Saturday, August 19, 2017

Blast from the Past

Agumon vs Gatchmon lasted all of about five seconds. Agumon is a game character from Digimon Universe RPG that Haru played and is actually Haru's save data. An Appmon under Leviathan's control is forcing all game characters to look for Bootmon, but Agumon escaped and was trying to put all the characters back in their games. The kids went to the Nakano Broadstreet area from Cybersleuth, where Eri and Astra were mobbed by fans and Yuujin had to do crowd control.

I watched the new Duck Tales pilot, and I have to say I liked it. However, we are faced once again with the Goofy/Pluto controversy when the anthro sailor ducks shoo a regular seagull away from their ships. I like that our introduction to Webby was her using a rope whip to grab and tie up the boys. I remember when she apprehended the Beagle Boys with just her jump rope in a story from the old series. Another nice easter egg was the look-alike doll she used to carry around. David Tennant is great as Scrooge, so much so I almost expect Scrooge to adopt "Allons-y!" as a new catchphrase (he has enough of his own, but it wouldn't be out of place).

Disney's Villains' Revenge is a point-and-click adventure game that fans of Kingdom Hearts should look into. The premise is that Jiminy gets bored and tears out the pages of certain fairy tales that contain happy endings. The Blue Fairy tells him that the stories are real and that by tearing out the pages, the villains have won. Jiminy has to go into the journal to fix it. Then the door shows you who the heroes are - something that Terra could have benefited from in Birth By Sleep. Too bad the animation and gameplay are kind of crap. I'll just blame it all on Jiminy for being the worst. What kind of monster tears pages out of a book? I also watched a playthrough of Madeline's European Adventures. It opened with the theme song from the TV show, which I used to love. They even got Christopher Plummer to narrate again. The game wasn't bad, but I had fun snarking at it nonetheless, like how they're having a little girl do all these tasks that the adults should've already had a handle on (the first stage was reasonable, but then it turned into "Do everything, Madeline!"). Magnificent Puppet Show was less fun and more tedious, not to mention ridiculous. However, it was just marginally better than the other two I found to watch - Madeline's Thinking Games and Classroom Companion. At least  they both had musical segments from the show (I recognized two of them). Wishbone Activity Zone was kind of disappointing, as it did not contain any clips from the show, only stills and the theme music. Prop hunt had audio clips, but it wasn't any fun.

Caramel apple Poptarts are really pretty good.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

All Bets Are Off

According to WatchMojo, Teen Titans Go is the worst animated super hero series. However, the episode 40%, 40%, 20% was so good that the show did a four-part sequel. It was just dumb fun, but I enjoyed it more than last year's five-parter, which was just all right. I can't believe they actually got the real musical artists to appear in it, including getting Ami and Yumi to do a cover of "The Night Begins to Shine" in Japanese. Even the additional musical guests were the real people. As part of the week-long (five-day) airing schedule, the Fourth of July episode aired first. Again, a wasted opportunity to have Mad Mod come back, but Queen Elizabeth, sure, why not. I didn't really like it.

The world of Appmon has got to be the dumbest timeline. The summer festival was said to be held to honor the souls of broken electronics and that there was a broken smartphone inside the shrine. While Shinto does deal with spirits in inanimate objects, this just makes it sound like everyone in the world worships technology. In Appmon's case, the people are too dumb to live without it and would blame each other for things that go wrong instead of a bug or themselves. However, this spirit is really an Appmon and he's pissed. Only Entermon is immune to its "useless breath." Bootmon refers to itself as Boo, which only makes me think it should have the voice of Majin Buu. Next time, an Agumon appears for some reason.

I'm going to call the TellTale Games Joker YOLO Joker. He has all this freedom and doesn't know what to do with it, so YOLO. I have no idea what kind of Harley we're going to get, but her silhouette for episode 2 doesn't look like she has pigtails. She may even be calling the shots instead of Joker, and he might be beholden to her. Between Batman and Guardians of the Galaxy, TellTale has been killing off major characters way too early. This isn't like The Walking Dead or Game of Thrones - people expect all the important characters to survive episode one. Aging up Riddler was bad enough. It is pretty interesting that a Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU) was investigating Riddler since one of the actors from Criminal Minds voiced him one time.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

It's Been a Little Crazy Lately

Do Us A Flavor strikes again. The choices are fried green tomatoes, crispy taco, and everything bagel with cream cheese. I tried the latter, and it was pretty good. I'm not really interested in the other two - crispy taco would probably just be coated in taco seasoning, and I'd rather just have tacos. The only complaint I have is that the poppy seeds on the everything bagel ones go everywhere.

I've received the same email twice from Photobucket (the first time it went into my spam folder and I deleted it). They said that I'm not supposed to be using it as a third-party hosting site at my current "status" (they want me to upgrade). But isn't the whole point of it supposed to be a photo hosting site? They give you the codes to link and embed and everything. It might just be a scam. I sign in and they don't say anything about it (just ads and calls to upgrade so they can make more money). I don't link or embed everything I post there; lately I've been posting to both Photobucket and Facebook. However, I'm still not going to get rid of the ones I've linked to here because I don't want dead links and I don't believe it's actually a thing.

They remembered their Appmon army in their attempts to wake up Sleepmon, but that didn't go anywhere (Rei accidentally burning eggs is what changed him back). Letting the Appli Drivers escape with Hajime might not have been a trap if they can lead him to Bootmon, an Appmon that Hajime had been forced to create and then set free so Leviathan wouldn't use it to initiate a program to turn everyone into apps. No one is more surprised than Rei that Hajime is a better programmer than him, but he's still the only one who suspects anything about Yuujin.

Here's something I've been working on for Ienzo/Raven. It started out as a quick drawing, then I adapted it into a scene with more dialogue.
    "Why does Braig keep asking me about my love life?" Ienzo grumbled, annoyed. Braig had been pestering him lately about when Raven would be coming over next.
    "The simple answer is that he likes teasing you about it," Dilan answered. "However, it could also be that he misses having your parents around."
    Ienzo looked perplexed. "What's that supposed to mean?" No one missed his parents more than he did, or so he thought.
    Dilan briefly looked around to make sure Braig wasn't eavesdropping nearby. "As far as I know, he's never been in a relationship, so he likes to live vicariously through others."
    "So did he bother them this much?"
    "No, but that goes back to the simple answer."
    "Oh." Ienzo looked discouraged.
    "I could go talk to him about it, if you'd like."
    Dilan found Braig, who was filling up a water gun. "What have you been up to?" Dilan asked, suspicious.
    "I just thought I'd keep the love-birds cool during their afternoon stroll," Braig replied.
    "And you wonder why he doesn't invite her over more often."
    "Don't you think you're being a little too obtrusive?"
    Braig glanced at his water gun but didn't see anything wrong with it. "Why? Did he say something?"
    "I told him not to be too frustrated with you, but that's not helping."