Friday, July 10, 2020

Make It So

Fruits Basket dub came back, but for one episode. Then they took a break again and came back with another episode, hopefully more soon. The student council episode is the start of me not liking Kakeru. Who kicks a bunch of seedlings? Might as well have been a puppy. His reason for hating Tohru is kind of dumb, but they’ll get to that later. Digimon also came back, which was pretty good. Sora and Biyomon have a solid relationship going, but I don’t like that Izzy and Tentomon met offscreen. Next time is Mimi – she’s already here too. I wonder when Matt’s coming back. They’re off to find light and hope, which will eventually bring Kari and TK into it too. We’re also waiting on Joe, whom we've only seen a quick cameo of in the brief camp scene. 

Power Rangers aired the rest of its episodes in the UK, minus any clip shows for Halloween and Christmas. It was nice seeing Jason again, but most of the rest of the episodes sucked. Although I didn’t like it, I must commend Nate’s actor for essentially playing an episode-long game of Dubbing. And, as was foreshadowed then forgotten, Evox is in fact Nate’s fault. It was nice to see Dr. K again for a second time, and I like that Power Rangers history lessons are a thing with textbooks and such. Moving between dimensions is super easy now if everyone has one of those devices (communications via computer as well). Evox has been played by three people now – Evox’s voice actor, Mayor Daniels, and Venjix’s voice actor. The ending felt especially rushed, but it wasn’t too terrible, and it was cool to see Colonel Truman again too.

Nomura has told us in no uncertain terms that we should not get attached to Xehanort and Eraqus’s classmates because they will be dead by the end of Dark Road (assuming this isn’t just a timeskip and we continue on from here without learning anything else about their four years together). I know we’ve seen the Keyblade Graveyard before, but this looked like Arlington National Cemetery. It’s honestly what I thought a graveyard would look like in this series before we found out people just turn into hearts and join Kingdom Hearts without leaving behind a body bury. I also saw joshschorcher's (The Fiery Joker) video about fixing 358/2 Days by turning it into a Persona game where Roxas has social links with the other Organization members (and maybe Fire Emblem-like supports between characters who aren't Roxas, like Vexen and Xion specifically). I laughed, but that might be the most amazing idea for a fan game I've ever heard. Someone should make that.

I was looking into the Ascendance of a Bookworm books, but it seems like the series takes off from here. Based on the titles, Main’s situation looks like it escalates to godhood by the end? So far, my favorite part of the anime is watching everyone adopt the use of Main’s shampoo one by one. It’s kinda weird that Main likes to smell the ink of whatever books she’s able to get her hands on. Like, I get it, but she has a problem. Someone needs to make an abridged series at some point, even though the pandemic has caused most if not all of them to go on hiatus indefinitely.