Friday, August 7, 2020

Top 5(ish) Jim Carrey Movies

This was a really tough one to do since there are a lot of these, but I didn’t want to make it a top 10 list by adding movies that are well-known just to add them. I will give an honorable mention to Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind even though I haven’t seen it because I hear it’s really good. I will also give an honorable mention to The Cable Guy because I always liked when it came on TV as a kid (although I can’t remember much about it). I will not be putting A Series of Unfortunate Events or Sonic on here because I haven’t seen them, but I assume I won’t like them (because Olaf is creepy and Sonic probably still sucked plot-wise).

5. A three-way tie, because they're somewhat related: A) Horton Hears a Who – Great character interaction between him and Steve Carrell B) How the Grinch Stole Christmas a.k.a. The Grinch 2000 – That’s right, I liked it, fuck you. C) Batman Forever – The best part is at the end where he thinks he’s Batman, but he made for a decent Edward Nigma the whole way through.

4. Bruce Almighty – People like to talk about the part where he makes the moon bigger, but the part where he’s reading all the prayer emails is really what stuck with me. Morgan Freeman is God, who is testing him to see if he can do better (as opposed to giving Steve Carrell’s character Noah's task in the sequel).

3. Fun with Dick and Jane – I watched this with one of my roommates in college and had a blast with it. The scene where he’s drunk in the bar and the heist are great. Tea Leoni and Alec Baldwin are also in it.

2. Liar, Liar – Achievement Hunter referenced the “I’m kicking my ass!” scene, and I recently saw a WatchMojo video about the Top 10 freak-outs which included trying Jim Carrey's character to say the pen is anything but blue. Plus, a kid wishing their parent wouldn’t lie to them is relatable to everyone, I think. As a compulsive liar forced to tell the truth, Jim showcases a lot of his spastic skills here.

1. The Truman Show – This and Liar, Liar are what made me want to make this list in the first place. I think I watched it in school, probably for a media studies course in college or in high school for some reason. I loved the ending where he says his catchphrase, takes a bow, and walks through the door to his freedom. And yes I did also see the video done by The Take on it.

I Can't Believe What I'm Seeing

I really appreciate Jerry Jewel’s voice acting for Kyo, especially in episode 9. It’s too bad they can’t get more episodes out, as the sub is blazing ahead by eight weeks (Isuzu’s episode was surreal, like the manga was jumping off the page). I hope they can keep going at a regular pace instead of having these mini-droughts. I looked into Fruits Basket Another, which I’d originally passed on because I didn’t want to go for another emotional rollercoaster ride with the characters’ kids. Apparently, it’s only three volumes, so that makes it more manageable. I read the character bios on the wiki, and I’m bothered by a couple things: Momiji is a businessman and not a musician, Arisa and Kureno don’t appear and instead Akito is friends with Tohru and Saki – what?! The new protagonist’s mom is basically my mom but worse, and Ren is still around trying to stab Akito and her daughter – what?! A lot of the content is digital or online only, such as one-shot bonus chapters going forward and a miniseries for the Mabudachi Trio called Three Musketeers. An interesting detail is that Haru likes video games so much that Isuzu let him name their kids Sora and Riku. Either Takaya likes Kingdom Hearts or Haru does in addition to the Final Fantasy game he was playing in the anime. Speaking of Kingdom Hearts, KH3 manga is starting to come out at the end of this year. And on the soundtrack, the Radiant Garden theme is “Sound of Reassurance,” which is also Ienzo’s theme “New Scent of Silence.” My boy got his own theme music! Yay!!

Lay’s is doing flavor icons this year. I started with the carnitas one, which I was looking forward to the most. It tastes amazing. Philly cheesesteak just tastes like a savory cheese chip. I like the pizza one the best, which is not surprising. They’re superior to Pringles pizza chips because they’re kettle cooked and have oregano flakes on them. The hot chicken will probably be my version of the one chip challenge since I can’t handle spicy things (even things that didn’t bother me before give me trouble now). I bought that one mostly for my husband and his friends anyway.

Robot Chicken seems to be over, and the scientist finally spoke. There's going to be a special episode later in the year, but it has been neither renewed nor cancelled. They also finally got around to a Yu-Gi-Oh! skit like they’d been talking about years ago. Nothing special, just a quick look at an adult Yugi’s gambling addiction. The game had also been name-dropped in a song by Santa’s elves, but nothing like we were hoping for way back when. Not that we had much hope to begin with, since their stance on anime is that it’s weird, and nothing they would make of it would go beyond the surface.