Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Jason David Frank is Dead and I'm Pissed

 ‭First let me say that Billy Kametz, voice of Ferdinand von Aegir, was only a couple days older than me and died of stage 4 colon cancer. It was a tragedy. We lost Chadwick Boseman and even more recently Kevin Conroy to cancer too. Thuy Trang died back in 2001 in a car accident because she wasn't wearing a seat belt. Irresponsible, yes, but still tragic. Earlier this week, we lost Jason David Frank to suicide, and I'm angry. He was not the first celebrity to do so, and he won't be the last. Like everyone else, I couldn't believe it at first, but then it was confirmed from multiple sources within twenty-four hours. But I didn't burst out bawling like when I was 14. I was livid. “What are you doing, you stupid asshole?!" was the first thought that came to mind. “Was nothing in your life good enough for you anymore? Was there nothing here worth sticking around for?"

‭The truth is, like many others, he was fighting a mental battle that no one else could fight for him. He'd already lost his mom and brother, and he just wasn't feeling the next Power Rangers anniversary that many of his co-stars are participating in, some for the first time since splitting from the show back in the 90s due to various reasons (pay, discrimination, etc.). Fame can be hollow, but he was perhaps the most famous of all the Rangers, and he seemed to like what he did. He wasn’t a perfect man, and he didn’t get along with everyone. I certainly thought he was overrated at one time or another. He leaves behind a wife and child in real life (though as of editing this I’ve learned there was a divorce pending and he hanged himself in a hotel after an argument), and Kat and J.J. in the Ranger-verse. They already had to deal with the fact that Trini can’t be in the anniversary and cast someone to play her daughter. Now they have this to deal with as well. Which is not more important than a man’s life, but killing yourself right before Thanksgiving and after passing on a big work event is kind of a dick move.

What all of my anger really stems from is this: I used Power Rangers as an escape from these issues, and having them flung back in my face feels like a betrayal. When I was 8 years old, my mom attempted suicide and then spent some time in rehab. The Power Rangers were my role models. Their strength of character made me want to do better, to be better, than my mom. I couldn’t trust the adults in my life to be okay, but I shouldn’t really count on these people who are just actors to be okay either. JDF left behind his wife and child to be with his mom and brother, just like my mom was going to leave me and my little brother and our dad to be with her father, and that shit hurts.

So...yeah. My Kingdom Hearts OC Sayuri is me if my mom had succeeded. Also, here's your Thanksgiving reminder to cut ties with your toxic family members if at all possible. As I mentioned in my previous post, I don't want my daughter to have to deal with or even know about all the crap my mom and her siblings have put me and each other through. They can go to their graves hating each other, and one of them already has. I'm done with them and I'm done with my hometown.

‭Farewell, “Tommy." I hope things are better for you on the other side.

Friday, January 21, 2022

Let's Talk About Encanto

 Like Steven Universe, this movie convinces me that my family needs therapy. My grandfather also died tragically early, but instead of my grandmother forcing everyone to be perfect, it was my mom’s older sisters. There are more of them, and instead of magical powers contributing to the community, it’s about being successful and not a burden to the family. But that shouldn’t be the grandkids’ problem. Or great-grandkids'. I'm certainly not going to expose my daughter to it, though I would like to watch this movie with her someday.

Pepa seems like a bridezilla, and her distaste for her brother has rubbed off on her son Camilo (who reminds me of Wybie from Coraline for some reason). Felix loves his wife as much as Sigurd from Fire Emblem does. Like most people, I identify with Mirabel and also like Luisa a lot. I also like Dolores, and Isabela reminds me a little of Rapunzel. And of course the songs are good (and reminiscent of Moana) because Lin-Manuel Miranda wrote them. “I’m pretty sure I’m worthless if I can’t be of service.” Girl, same. I did pick up on the references to Wreck-It Ralph and Maui in “Surface Pressure,” unless those were just coincidences and not reused animations. They could’ve used Herc’s character model from Kingdom Hearts (or made a new CG model themselves), but they went with an original design that has nothing to do with that IP.

I know the Miracle was trying to prove a point by not giving Mirabel a gift (or at least that's the going theory) as well as Luisa's gift fading as she's overworked, but that's kind of messed up. Isabela was beauty, Luisa was brawn, and Mirabel was set up to be brains. It's kind of like what the third fairy's gift would've been if she hadn't had to change Maleficent's curse. Of course, Mirabel is perfect the way she is. They all are. Luisa needs a vacation and a hug. And a pet unicorn. There's no one I really dislike, but I do like Julieta and Augustin as a couple and would like to see more of them together if they do a series like Tangled. With him being accident-prone and her being a healer, I'd be interested in seeing their meet-cute in a flashback.