Saturday, February 11, 2017


I didn't get much out of watching the Kingdom Hearts 2.8 cutscenes, but I'm glad I saw them. The Master of Masters is not at all what I thought he'd be like. He's insane and quite possibly the big bad of the entire series if fan theories are to be believed. He doesn't sound that old, either - he's voiced by the same guy as Noctis (which would explain people's confusion of seeing his name in the credits, not for FFXV but Back Cover). Just as Hayden Pannittiere  covered as Xion before, Alyson Stoner covers as Kairi this time around (which is weird/cool if you think about Xion reacting to Axel having a Keyblade). I was the most surprised to hear Lara Jill Miller as Chirithy - she said yes to this but no to Tri?! Travis and Matt were serviceable as always, even if their characters here were one-note and/or bland. Luxu was pretty cool, though (that's pronounced Loo-shoo). Richard Epcar was back as Terra-Xehanort, so I liked that too. I'm a little disappointed that Skuld didn't show up and Ephemer(a) only had the one scene. Also, while 0.2 connects to KH1, it didn't do much to satisfy my curiosity about what happened during that span of time. The people who would know (Terra and Mickey) didn't say anything about Xehanort's or Ansem's activities.

Dark Side of Dimensions was worse than I thought, even with the knowledge of what was coming hanging over my head the whole time. That part was terrible, especially since I don't think Ryou's dad was a douchebag antique dealer either. Ted Lewis didn't voice young Ryou or Yami Bakura, which was disappointing. Hearing Dan Green say "Serah" was okay, and the bowling scene was cool. It was written well, and I liked the snarky lines thrown in (such as twice mentioning Ryou's accent when his fan girls were following him around and Joey's "Meant to do it!" when he jumped off the bridge and stumbled when he landed). I liked learning more about Tristan, and it was too bad Duke didn't get more screen time or fan girls of his own. Had the movie been all about the duels, that'd be fine; that's what people pay to see. However, I really do believe Kaiba has better things to do than dwell on this. Unfortunately, the world-ending shenanigans behind the scenes make my heart heavy and take what little joy I could gain from it in the first place. The Prana utopia crap was heavy-handed, as was Shadi's role as a savior (not that he isn't a good guy, but it's more difficult to believe after some of the crap he pulled, especially in the manga). And of course the fact that the Millennium Items were made by the unwilling sacrifice of 99 lives (with one surviving) was never brought up (I'm not even sure anyone else even knew, and they didn't even use Zorc's name). When and if LittleKuriboh abridges this, Diva might as well be calling everyone infidels since he keeps saying "your kind" when referring to the main characters.

Promise of the Rose (or rather the Sailor Moon R movie since they don't call it that anymore) was redubbed and released in theaters for a limited time. I only know this because Calluna did a vlog on it. Viz is moving in on total domination of the series, which is both good and not so good at the same time. She explains it better than I could.

Scanlan's departure from Vox Machina was very depressing, but it was Sam's call, just as it was Taliesin's call to continue as Percy or roll a new character. Both Percy and Scanlan have died twice, resurrected once quickly and once slowly. Percy recently said that since being brought back, he feels his life belongs to everyone else, that his life is not his own. I've almost died in real life, but that's not the reason I believe that my life isn't my own; it is, however, the reason that I know I'm living on borrowed time. Maybe that's what Scanlan felt, other than his anger that was both understandable and false. Sam's still playing, but as a new character designed to piss everyone off. If this persists, they may have to shoot a new opening.

Digimon Applimonsters came out with an episode that acknowledged the Pokemon Go! trend, only with treasure instead of monsters. The villains were using this to herd people onto trains and ferry them to their deaths, but Musimon was able to stop the train in time. In the process, they let the virus-spewing Appmon get away. Yuuji was just a normal character; we get his backstory with him meeting Haru, and there was nothing ominous like before when shots focused on him mysteriously. All he knows is that Haru hangs out with Ai at her family's bookstore and is friends with celebrities Eri and Astra.

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