Friday, November 24, 2017


Correction: Cinder is in the RWBY volume 5 opening. I just didn't think I saw her because she is on the same side of the screen and has the same color scheme as Raven. Tyrian doesn't appear in it and hasn't appeared yet, but he's supposed to be getting a new tail. As of this writing, Nick Landis (Lanipator) has appeared about three times, and this latest appearance as a barkeep was glorious, as he uses his well-known Piccolo voice. He'd previously voiced an angry businessman at Weiss's dad's party and the assassin sent to kill Blake's dad's messenger. This is especially impressive since Chris Sabat voices Dr. Watts, and I couldn't tell which one of the two actors it was at first.

Telltale Guardians of the Galaxy finished strong. The last two installments were better than the rest of the series. I especially like Drax's characterization, even though this character model doesn't look much like Dave Batista. Since I don't read the comics, I don't know how he's supposed to feel about Mantis. In the promos for the second movie, he seemed not to like her, but that might not be accurate. In Telltale, he notices that everyone's arguing is physically hurting her so yells at them to stop until he passes out. I also liked thepart where he says "I am the leader? Then I order all of you to kneel before me!" after they praise him for not being materialistic as opposed to Peter, their actual leader. The fourth episode was all Drax, and that probably would've made it the best one if the finale wasn't so good. I like this version of Mantis, at least. I like she can do with her powers in this and how she feels about using them. Her character model is cuter than her movie counterpart too, in my opinion. As for Minecraft Story Mode, Ivor's a ninja now. Great. Another episode of Batman came out also, so that's a lot in a short period of time. I can't really say anything about it without spoiling it, though. Maybe next time.

Teen Titans Go did another Thanksgiving episode, and it was not as good as the other one (which I don't remember being all that good either, but it had Trigon as an earlier episode had promised). Some parts made me smile, but overall it was kind of a train wreck. Why why why why why would they do such an episode with these characters?!

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