Sunday, January 21, 2018

Old and New

The only reason I would like Hazel less (besides him being scary, but then so was Blake's dad) is that he's asking Ozpin how many more children need to die while he's fighting the group. I did miss him making the connection to the train station the first time around, but that's not what I'd wanted to happen since Oscar only says "Why does he hate us?" meaning him and Ozpin. What I'd wanted was a "You?" YOU!" moment. Instead it was "OZPIN!" "Oh no." I don't know why Weiss hooked and dragged Hazel back into the building after Nora went to the trouble of putting him through a wall in the first place. Him getting knocked through the wall and surprising Adam was similar to Oscar knocking Lionheart into him earlier. I especially liked how Hazel told Adam that he could go fuck himself in a turn of cruel irony. If Cinder is really dead, did Raven get the Fall Maiden powers as well? Having two Maiden powers is what Cinder wanted, but I don't know if it's what Raven wanted. A part of me wonders if Vernal could have been the Spring Maiden but Raven had trained her to keep her in her mind even if she's being killed so that she'd get the powers. Emerald's not going to be happy when she finds out. She's either going to stop functioning or power up for revenge.

I've been trying to decide which characters I like in the new Critical Role campaign. I liked Percy and Pike the most last time, so I thought I'd like Mollymauk and Yasha. However, I'm only neutral on them so far, especially since Ashley will be gone most of the time for work anyway. Frankly, I'm amazed she showed up to start this at all. I like Caleb so far, so maybe Liam will be my new favorite.

I like how the Clear Card Arc anime mentions the anime-only characters (Wei and Meilin) in passing instead of trying to incorporate them into the ongoing narrative.

Teen Titans Go to the Movies sounds like what they just did with the 200th episode but on a much larger, much longer scale.

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