Wednesday, February 28, 2018

What Did I Just Watch?

The Raven vs Twilight Death Battle didn't shock me with the outcome, but it didn't really make sense to have them fight at all. I feel like, if they had to fight at all, they would end up stopping the fight and realizing it was stupid. The two of them have similar personalities and are even voiced by the same person (Tara Strong, but not in this). They'd probably just end up having a discussion over tea or something. If they were going to keep the Teen Titans Go! aspect of Raven playing with pony figurines, then she shouldn't have gotten defensive about it when she suddenly found herself in Twilight's library (although Twilight was not among her figurines). If anything, Twilight should've asked (as she would) about her having the figurines in the first place. And Raven certainly wouldn't have set the books on fire. Speaking of TTG, I was pleasantly surprised (though a little put off since it's still TTG) by Cree Summer voicing the gender-bent version of Beast Boy.

I found out there was a prologue to the Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card anime that closely followed the end of the manga and differed a lot from the final episode of season two of the original anime. I also found out there was another dub of Cardcaptor Sakura, possibly by one of the same companies that dubbed DBZ atrociously (seriously, I think the same actress might voice Chi-Chi and Meilin). It's equally bad, though the dub I grew up with wasn't exactly perfect and was far from complete.

I've been so busy lately forgot about Year of the Dog.

Also I cobbled these together just for fun (emphasis on cobbled).

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