Friday, March 23, 2018

It's My Birthday (Sunday)

The Clear Card anime had pictures from the Sealed Card movie, which means it has to be canon. But it can't because it doesn't fit in the continuity now. They even had to change the ending of season 2 as the prologue to this series. It took them until almost halfway through the anime to comment that a lot of the new cards are the same as the old cards, and even that things tend to happen in the same locations. I don't know if this is lampshade-hanging or if the characters are getting genre-savvy. And it was Tomoyo who pointed it out. It also kind of annoys me that, most of the time, the action with the cards doesn't happen until the second half of the episodes whereas they used to be an ongoing threat throughout in previous seasons. I also forgot to mention Tomoyo Naruto-running for no reason when she went to grab Syaoran to play piano for them in an earlier episode. I bought volumes 1 & 2 of the manga for my birthday and pre-ordered 3-5.

If the season 7 finale of MLP didn't bother me before, the comics have made it even worse. The current narrative is riddled with mistakes that are hard to ignore, such as saying "hands" instead of "hooves" on multiple occasions and calling Flash Magnus Flash Sentry. Saying "people" instead of "ponies" I can let slide, but not all the time, especially as it gets more frequent. The animated series set the standard for Equestrian parlance and stuck to it.

Power Rangers Shattered Grid follows the Lord Drakkon storyline from the comics, starring Jason David Frank and composed by Ron Wasserman. This is the movie that was promised to us, so I hope it gets green-lit.

Miles' video is up. It's a good thing I waited for the RWBY Chibi episode to come out that week because it had great Jaune fodder. I will probably finish and upload the lightning round during my vacation in a couple weeks.

The Casa Bonita DLC for Fractured But Whole makes me want to ship Kenny and Henrietta - Kenrietta. They're as cute as Wendy and Stan when they're in the same party, that's all.

The 24-hour Dunkin Donuts gave my friend the wrong thing as well. They really don't care anymore.

Update: The 358/2 Days light novel was pushed back to November. My plan is to buy Birth By Sleep when it comes out (maybe next year), then follow it up with Part 2 of KH2 (I think all the Roxas stuff comprises all or most of part 1), THEN wait for Dream Drop Distance.

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