Sunday, April 22, 2018


Halo Top is overrated. It's still good, but it lies. I was willing to let the mint chip slide, even though it wasn't what I was used to. But then came cookies and cream. It was not as advertised. There were no cookies, just cocoa powder splattered on top, and not a lot of it. It's fine for a white chocolate ice cream, but that's not what I was looking for.

It took me three sittings to get through the Vox Machina musical (it's based on Hamilton so it's long). It was great, and I'm going to listen to it again, hopefully all the way through, when I have time. It goes from the fall of Emon to Scanlan leaving the party (with Taryon popping up to kick off the credits). Of the new group, Caleb is my favorite, followed by Nott and Jester. The fan works for that, like the animations and Fire Emblem parodies, are also amazing (people who used to animate for the Vox Machina campaign improved their skills, especially Gee Whiz, who also animates Achievement Hunter).

Thinking back on the last episode and others, AJ probably acts like an overprotective idiot around family because her parents are dead and she doesn't want anything to happen to anyone else. But that's the problem: if you don't let anything happen to the ones you care about, nothing will happen to them, good or bad. The recent MLP episode was almost about divorce, but instead it was literally about living in two worlds (despite the parents living in separate worlds, they didn't act divorced). Scootaloo's behavior also had unfortunate implications, namely that being a sea pony was just like flying, but she said she'd rather be a pony than a bird. She didn't have a "lucky fin" like Nemo, though.

Since Melin is still in the narrative of the Clear Card anime, it's getting hard to tell how much of what she was involved in is filler. For instance, the picnic episode happened in a flashback in the manga, and the Gravitation Card doesn't exist. Anything going on with Akiho's book (what she read about the Mirage Card happening to Alice that actually happened to Sakura) may or may not be canon, just like the viewing party that happened in the most recent episode. The anime is really pushing the Sealed Card movie as canon, even though it can't really fit into the narrative anymore the closer they stick to the manga.

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