Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Another Top 10 Random Encounters

10. A Mei is in Danger (Overwatch) - It's a Christmas video based off of "Away in a Manger," which is clever wordplay. All she can do is encase herself in ice or run away from people trying to kill her.

9. Stranger Things Have Happened (Sally Face) - I don't know what Sally Face is, but I do know what Stranger Things is. Cultists summon The Beard, and he makes the protagonists play D&D.

8. You and Me (Team Fortress 2) - I haven't heard the whole song, but I really enjoyed the video even though it abruptly ends with the two characters getting hit by a train. I think it's the best one out of the three TF2 songs. The Heavy and the Medic work off of each other well and their banter is hilarious.

7. Lost in the Woods (Slender) - Slender's not a bad guy. He just can't find his way out of the woods because someone (Miss Bird) keeps taking his pages down. In a fit of paranoia, he attacks Peter, who's holding the camera. Then he gets tackled by The Beard.

6. Number One (Fortnite) - It's very catchy. It also doesn't mean what you think it does. Number One in this song means the first to get killed (AJ's character is not very good at this game).

5. If I Was An Inkling (Super Smash Brothers Ultimate) - Speaking of catchy, this is so good it could've been used in advertising. Nintendo officially sponsored it, so it might as well be. It's every bit as memorable as the actual commercial for the first Smash Brothers game, if not more so. The banter on the couch was funny too.

4. Kindergarten 2 - If I have one criticism, it's that it needs more Nugget (especially since he has you poison the bully in the game). Once again, all the roles are played by AJ to wacky effect. There's something so satisfying about him tossing the backpack on top of the closet without looking. I wonder how many takes he had to do to get that.

3. FNAF: Ground Zero/Web of Lies (FNAF 6 and Help Wanted VR) - Not at number one this time, but definitely deserving of a spot on this list. They're still entertaining, especially MatPat returning as crazy William Afton (even if the roles of Michael and Elizabeth don't adhere to his theories). CG5 and Adrisaurus feature as the protagonists this time.

2. Legendary Heroes (Deltarune) - This musical is a lot of fun. Everyone sounds awesome and looks so cute. I like Undertale better as a game, but this song is better than the Undertale songs put out by Random Encounters. Maybe it's the unexpected cursing? Shit Squad forever!

1. Sonic the Hedgehog the Musical/Sonic Boom the Musical - Both of these are great, so I put them together at the top. Sonic Boom is funny and really seems like the precursor to the Musical, which contains several songs. "Smarter Than You" is my favorite. And of course there had to be a reference to Ugandan Knuckles.

There are two Honorable Mentions this time - My Date With Captain Falcon for comedy, and Arkham Rock Opera for being impressive.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Drifting Away

Kyo knocking Tohru into the water and Tohru starting to walk away felt like a betrayal. He does  injure her, but the manga didn't go that far. Only one episode left, probably going to wrap things up with Kazuma. Can't wait til next season to see more characters show up and how they're handled.

Robert Axelrod is dead and I am so sad.

I deleted my photobucket account because they're charging for bandwidth now. I'd done what they'd asked and deleted enough photos to be under the limit, but those greedy bastards still wanted more.

Maple Oreos are tasty. Strawberry Yoo-Hoo tastes more like strawberry juice than strawberry milk, and I love it.

Spinel was supposedly modeled after Monkey D. Luffy, since he's Rebecca Sugar's favorite anime characters, but she's more like something out of Cuphead. The way she squeaks when she walks reminds me of GIR, and I especially loved the part in "No Matter What" where she grabbed up all the tickets and ran. Given her name, I wonder if she was ever called Spinny like the Spinel from Cardcaptor Sakura. But being abandoned by Pink Diamond like that, though, yeesh. It's like Joker pushing Harley out the window and her saying "I guess I didn't get the joke." I can relate to just wanting to be someone's friend and they just leave without a word. At first it didn't affect me that much, but then I thought about everything my friend did and there's really not much difference except for a "sorry for being a shitty friend" letter. It made me think of Isa too, Roxas and Xion being the "Other Friends." But Lea's not like that at all, or at least he didn't mean to seem that way. The three Diamonds harmonizing sounded marvelous, as befitting their actresses. They still remind me of my aunts. I'm thinking about doing a parody of "Disobedient" by changing the words slightly. I DON'T want to be disobedient, but I will if I'm pushed, and I think I'm getting there with my job. I can't quit because I still have medical bills out the wazoo, and I don't think I have any other prospects.