Friday, March 12, 2021


Just a thought, but if you put a blue anime wig on Joseph Gordon-Levitt, he could play Zexion. I was also thinking more of the staircase scene in KH2 Final Mix. It could’ve been done with Zexion sitting and reading in the common area when the other two came in and bothered him, but instead it showed them using the stairs instead of corridors of darkness to get around. It shows they value cardio, or maybe someone just wanted a more dynamic scene. In fact, since Axel and Larxene are having a conversation at the bottom of the stairs in the book, it would make even more sense for this to take place in the common area since other scenes of the sort take place there. Then have Zexion say he should go someplace quieter to read.

After hearing a scathing review of the Pride and Prejudice musical, which was an Amazon production apparently, I found the soundtrack posted to Youtube. The review wasn't wrong, but if you can get past the first twenty or so minutes, it's not that bad. The beginning is rough, but I enjoyed the parts with the Gardiners and Lady Catherine. Lady Catherine's song sounded like it could've been sung by Eartha Kitt. I would've loved to see that. She is like Yzma, scary beyond all reason. Then I found the Bob Jones University production on Youtube, which is also rough in spots, but also interesting. If the whole play had been Mr. and Mrs. Bennet's opening scene with the rest of the story playing out around them, I would've still enjoyed it. The actors playing them nailed their personalities (Mrs. Bennet’s nerves and Mr. Bennet’s chill attitude), and I could've watched them all day. Mr. Collins was another highlight; the actor really brought him to life in a way that I hadn't gotten out of the book. The actor playing Darcy could've just as easily been portraying Snape. The runtime is just shy of two hours, so they condensed things a lot more than I would've liked. Having Collins there in the beginning worked, but having Bingley announce that he's leaving at the first ball is moving a bit too fast. Bitch, you just got here. The set was simple and unchanging, but I enjoy the fact that it was two giant books and a sealed letter. The addition of swings in one scene surprised me. Overall it felt like a high school play with a little more production value, as some of the actors weren’t up to snuff, mistakes aside.

Sad that DuckTales is wrapping up next week. I just saw the one with Kit and the Sky Pirates. All Sam got to do was scream as the pirates got turned into chimeras. Now he IS Bigby’s Hand.

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