Friday, February 2, 2024

Hazbin Hotel 5-8

Five month time skip. Angel is making progress. I liked how he and Sir Pentious were trying to protect Niffty, both in episode 5 and 6. Lucifer has big divorced dad energy and in some ways reminds me of Stolas. I wonder why Lilith dumped his ass too (though he does remind me a little of Adam). Not sure why Alastor is trolling Lucifer by acting like he’s a better father figure to Charlie all of a sudden, but it might explain him smirking at their family portrait in the pilot. Alastor also does the same chain trick on Husk to keep him in line like Valentino does to Angel. I thought he’d be better than that. I didn’t much care for Vaggie’s reveal as a former Exorcist, or that Lute was responsible for what happened to her because she let one sinner go after killing thousands. The sinner in question looked pretty innocent, so Vaggie was understandably confused. It does explain why Vaggie referred to the sinners as “your people" when talking to Charlie in a previous episode. Vaggie might never have even been mortal if Exorcists are made and named by Adam. The annual extermination is even kept secret from all but Sera. The winners, as they are called, are blissfully unaware of what is happening to their loved ones in Hell - a missed opportunity for Angel’s mother and sister to see him if the trial hadn’t been private. Molly was outside, and though she might not know what he looks like, she could’ve been like “That’s my brother down there!" Emily is shaping up to be Charlie’s only ally in Heaven, as everyone else turns a blind eye to Hell and its problems. Lucifer did say no one would listen to them.

‭I didn't think with the pacing of the show thus far that Vaggie having been an Exorcist would be dwelled on for an entire episode. She obviously doesn't want to talk about what happened to her, but she did end up regrowing her wings by the end of the episode. Carmilla also reveals she knew Vaggie was an Exorcist the whole time because the missing eye and angelic weapon gave it away. She also points out that Vaggie doesn't know anything about the Exorcists' weaknesses and teaches her how to cover her own. I should've liked that sequence and accompanying song, but for some reason I didn't. Charlie rallies the cannibals with Alastor and Rosie's help, and Rosie helps Charlie accept Vaggie's mistake as actions speak louder than words or lack thereof. The finale was great. I was thinking just this morning how it would be funny if Sir Pentious got to Heaven before Angel and he did. That was one of my two big cheers of the episode, in addition to Niffty being the one to land the killing blow on Adam. Lucifer, Charlie, and Vaggie were going to let him live, but Niffty said Charlie had told her to stab so she did. So cathartic after all the shit Adam has pulled, including just deleting Pentious and his entire zeppelin. I understand that Vaggie letting Lute live was a power move, but she's going to be trouble down the line. And for some reason Lilith is on vacation or sabbatical in Heaven because Lute updates her on the situation, but it's not clear what kind of relationship the two have. Alastor was great and I can't wait to see what his deal is.

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