Thursday, April 4, 2024

Survivor 46 Sucks

This may be the worst season of Survivor I've ever seen. We've seen under-performing tribes get cut down in the beginning, but the first three Yanu to be voted out were even more pathetic than the ones in a previous season. There was an early med-evac where someone left with an idol in their pocket, and then someone else got voted out with an idol in their pocket. Then the merge happened, and I thought things would get better, but I was wrong. The two on the bottom this week were targeted because of their emulation of past players. Perhaps this show has been going on too long if Venus being compared to Parvati early on made people ostracize her and “super fan” Moriah saying her favorite past player was Aubry led to her being voted out. This is on top of Venus' being too forward with her strategy and Moriah being on the wrong side of her tribe's first vote, but they should be judged on what they do versus what past players have done that may predict their future actions. Parvati and Aubry aren't here, but Jeff's here forever! 

I also find it interesting that the word “super fan" has been used both to describe an asset to solving a puzzle as well as a threat. It hasn't amounted to anything, either, as said puzzle wasn't solved correctly. At this point, people are playing paranoid. The preview made it seem like they're about to turn on each other at the drop of a hat. I didn't have any faith in what I think of as the “plus-one" alliance, especially since Tim hadn't even told Maria that she was in it; she's keeping her options open but she didn't ask to be in it - she has the Charlie's Angels alliance or at least just her and Charlie. Tim and Maria have been the weakest links in challenges, even when their tribe still won. An all-women alliance is never going to happen either. I don't particularly think Charlie is in any immediate danger; he just happened to be the only man who could be voted for alongside five women and still hasn't had any votes cast against him. There isn't really anyone I'm rooting for right now. The boot order going forward might be interesting depending on who wins immunity and how the tribe is split up for the double elimination.

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