Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Reviews and Update

The gluten-free episode of South Park didn't touch upon the subject of people who can't eat it versus it being a phad, so that was disappointing. Still, gluten-free food is pretty tasty. The Family Guy/Simpsons crossover just proved that The Simpsons is a better show. I didn't care for the psych-out with Vance's health on NCIS either; we got enough of that with Jenny. Due to the pacing of Sailor Moon Crystal, the relationship between Usagi and Mamoru has been advancing unbelievably fast. There's something to be said for filler in the classic series, even though it's still convoluted.
Just noticed that Riku and even Ansem talk about the stench of darkness more than Zexion does, to the point where I'm starting to believe it's not a real power and the others are just humoring the poor kid to make him believe he's special. As for my fan fiction, it'll probably continue once III comes out and storylines wrap up. As for what I've written in the timeline of III, that's mostly stuff I'd wanted to happen regardless of what actually ends up happening, in which case I'd only tweak it a little bit to make sense or ignore the outcome entirely. That being said, here's another bit of content:
    Riku showed up to the castle to see Ansem. Ienzo was still afraid of him or was at least made nervous by his presence, so he avoided him as much as possible. He remembered their battle; after Riku had broken through his illusionary tactics, Zexion had become frustrated and tried to jump him from behind and suplex him like some of the others used to do to him in the past. Since Riku had been shorter than him, he'd seen it as his only chance to do so to someone else for a change. It hadn't worked, of course, because though he'd been younger and shorter, Riku was still much stronger than him. Now that Riku had grown up too, he was even stronger and slightly taller than him. He was also slightly jealous and annoyed that Riku had been spending so much time with Ansem as of late. He called Kagemiya over to talk about it.
    Kagemiya arrived at the castle and greeted Dilan and Aeleus. "Ienzo sounded like something was bothering him. Did something happen?"
    The two looked at each other with concern. "Who would know but him?" Aeleus replied. Dilan held the door open for her and she went inside.
    Hurrying down the corridor, she nearly bumped into into Riku, who was on his way out. "Hey! Who are you?" he asked, grabbing her wrist.
    She looked at him, stunned. "It's okay, Riku. I'm friends with Ienzo, one of Ansem's apprentices. My name is Sayuri."
    "How do you know my name?"
    "Eh? Why wouldn't I know your name? Excuse me." She pulled her arm out of his grasp and ran off. She hadn't really met him before, only his replica; she knew he'd fought Aeleus and Ienzo as Nobodies. She didn't feel like explaining it to him.
    Ienzo was waiting for her in the library. He seemed to be sulking. "Hey."
    "Hey. What's wrong?"
    "It's...Riku. He's been spending a lot of time here recently...since he and King Mickey are friends with Master Ansem."
    "Oh? Is that a problem?"
    "No...I feels like Riku is taking my his heart."
    "That could never happen."
    "Are you sure?"
    "Even if their friendship were to take on a father-son dynamic, sibling rivalry is completely normal."
    "Ienzo, he could no more replace you as a son than you could replace Mako-chan as my brother."
    "Really?" This did not seem to cheer him up any.
    She patted him on the head. "You and I are friends, and the two of them are friends. You don't have to worry."
    He didn't seem to appreciate the gesture either, but he accepted the advice. "Okay."

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