Friday, June 3, 2016

Nice Work

Xigbar's zodiac segment is up. I'm happy that Zexion's has one view now. I'm also amazed to report that the Sins videos I posted have ten views each! If I was following PokeSins' format, I would've added a few "Plusles," but since regular CinemaSins doesn't have them (usually), and I was trying to make a point, I left them out. One of them would've been Splinter making me laugh when he says "Yes I can. I am old!" in response to Leonardo saying he can't change his mind - about helping Raph no less. Leo was a dick in this version. I might've given one to the guy playing Shredder too, since he seemed really into it despite only appearing in a grand total of three episodes. That had to be nuts getting the part of the Shredder only to learn the series wasn't about him. That's like the girl playing "Sailor Luna" thinking she was going to be Chibi Moon. I had a few more audio swap ideas too, but I either didn't have access to the audio I needed or it was for a different episode entirely, and I'm not doing the whole series. It's too much work and I don't have that kind of time. And it's not that I don't like the Nickelodeon Ninja Turtles; I'm just all Turtle'd out at this point. It's great that kids (and other fans) like it.

Operation Dude Rescue turned into Girls Night 4 on a recent episode(s) of Teen Titans Go! I had the same reaction to the boys' chivalry as Raven did. Having manners is one thing, but they were just being annoying and kinda creepy. Jynx's personality can only be explained by her relationship with Cyborg. When she's not in jail or the Hive, she's with him. Now she acts like him. I don't know when Terra had the opportunity to betray them while they were breaking in because she was with them the whole time. They were working together, they got captured because of her (including her too but she didn't care), and the answer was more teamwork? I guess the real takeaway a la "What I Learned" is that milkshakes are awesome.

I had a couple more fan art ideas that I may or may not do. The first one is Ienzo dressed as Tuxedo Mask because they share a voice actor. The other is Ken getting emotional over teaching his son (whom he probably named after his brother) how to blow bubbles. 

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