Thursday, June 30, 2016

REM Time

So instead of making up new "bedtime" stories, I've been focusing on thinking up "happily ever after" scenarios to get myself to sleep at night. It still doesn't work, but I've got "missing father returning home to his family," "husband waking up from a coma," and "exonerated prisoner drinking beer with his friends." Earlier this week I had a dream which included Percy as a cyborg.The depressing thing about Critical Role lately was the Raven Queen saying to Percy that everyone is broken from birth and the meaning of life is to try to better yourself before you die. I don't like that. While it's true that no one's perfect and there's always room for improvement, I just think that creates more conflict than it solves sometimes. We all just need to find some form of happiness before we die. It's sad to see Ashley go again long-term, and even sadder that Scanlan has given up pursuing Pike.

Sailor Moon Crystal episode 39 dragged too much, focusing on still shots (some reused) and rewinding too far into the end of the previous episode. If any episode needed to be abridged, this one definitely qualifies. Saturn and Pluto saved the day, and Sailor Moon fixed everything. The abridged answer to Pharaoh 90 asking to be sent home would be "F**k no!" Also Saturn could say that she will take lives and Sailor Moon will give life (which is a Tales of Zestiria reference), to which Sailor Moon would respond that she's taken plenty of lives already. I'm surprised that the main cast is in high school at the end of the episode (that didn't happen until the beginning of season 5), doing a time skip so we didn't have to sit through a study montage. And we get more character development as they talk about what clubs they're going to join. But then there's an eclipse, and the Crystal Twinkle Bell is heard, and Chibi-Usa isn't going to be able to return home just yet. I thought we'd get a special end credits sequence since this was the end of the S arc, but instead we just got the first ending again. No preview either, but we know it's amazon time.

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