Friday, July 8, 2016

Is This Real Life?

As hated as the new PPG series is, it didn't need to do a crossover on Teen Titans Go! For one thing, Tara was probably a little upset since she doesn't voice Bubbles anymore because none of the original voice actresses were asked back or even made aware that it was being produced. Raven flat-out says later in the episode, "Yeah, I just remembered I don't care." A good crossover would've had her and Bubbles going at it, something akin to Rob Paulsen's Donnie and Raph in the TMNT crossover. For another thing, Beast Boy shouldn't have taken a liking to Mojo Jojo (at least not right away) since he resembles a combination of two of his villains - a monkey and a brain. The takeaway was that PPG is superior to TTG, and not because the Girls were the guests in this case. In my opinion, both shows suck, but at least TTG kept its original voice cast.

On an off week for Critical Role, Liam DM'd a real-life post-apocalyptic world with Travis, Laura, Sam, and Taliesin playing themselves (and even made character sheets for them). I haven't watched it yet since it isn't the main story, but it sounds like a D&D video I saw on YouTube a while back (I think it was the same group who did The Gamers videos) where the players were trying and failing to role play real life (but only accomplished breaking into their friend's house, causing their dog and themselves to get hit by a car, and drinking the "potions" under the sink). I like the idea, and judging from the highlights I've read, it should be hilarious and enlightening.

I posted Saix's zodiac segment, and it also got three views and a like overnight. Scrolling back through the most recent page of videos posted, more of them had one (even two) like than I was previously aware of (not the zodiac ones though, just Saix and Ansem). They all had to do with Kingdom Hearts, which is why I currently have 155 subscribers. Other ones are end-of-year holiday videos (not the Homestuck Troll ones though).

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