Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Critical Fail

Tales of Berseria is a distant prequel to Zestiria. They hijacked the anime to promote the game with a two-part prologue. Even after they resumed the story, they added Velvet Crowe to the opening. That was really annoying and didn't make me want to play the game. They could've just given it its own OVA since it didn't tie back into the series directly. I don't know how many episodes Zestiria the X has, but it probably could do without this padding. It's even being dubbed already, minus episode zero. Maybe they'll skip the interruption too (unless they just skipped zero to follow the episode numbering). Here's another joke from episode 2 (titled episode 1): "Sorey, no!" "Sorey, yes." I'm actually more upset by the fact that Matt killed off Tiberius on Critical Role. That's like dropping a cheesy gordita on the floor. That's such a waste.

Lay's Do Us A Flavor is back, and the best one according to Brad is the Greek one. I tried it, and it tastes like a Mediterranean/white pizza. None of the swaps from earlier this year happened, so that's good. Despite Southern Biscuits and Gravy winning (nice!), I haven't seen it where I work. As per usual, the only newer flavors we have are cheesy garlic bread and bacon mac and cheese. I think we even stopped carrying actual mozzarella garlic bread. We still have mozzarella garlic toast, though. We also supposedly sell Crystal Pepsi (as in, I've seen people buying it), but when it was my turn to shop, there was no evidence that they ever existed.

The cast for next season's Power Rangers has been revealed. Fucking finally, they have a Ranger with the same first name as me. I'm not even mad unless her personality sucks.

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