Friday, September 2, 2016

Catching Up

Dino Super Charge came back, and judging by how these past two episodes went and how many remain, the series is suffering from too many Rangers with too few episodes. Phillip and James don't feel like a part of the cast since they only show up when the Graphite and Aqua Rangers are in the footage used in the episodes. Matt showed up again, but at this point he's more like Richie from MMPR - a red herring for a possible Ranger (even though he was originally supposed to be one). The Titanozord saves him in Gone Fishin, but that doesn't make him the Silver Ranger. The Talon Ranger isn't slated to appear until almost the last episode, and there's no mention of the female Aqua Ranger at all. We basically have to go through some filler and Zenowing's story arc, and then it's the end. While that's great if you're Zenowing or a first-string Ranger, everyone else gets the shaft. I'm still waiting for this Dino Thunder crossover conspiracy to happen, but it doesn't seem likely. The actress playing Shelby has a nice singing voice; too bad it's wasted here (though to be fair, Shelby did say she wrote that song for a talent show in elementary school, and it shows).

I'm not sure what The Siege Card used to be, or why it's called that if all it did was make Sakura's room a big pocket dimension balloon. The chapter itself seemed somewhat hollow (well, maybe that's not the right word - expected? It hit all the notes it was supposed to, I guess). There's more going on, and Eriol's obviously worried about Ruby (not sure what happened to her), but he still refuses to tell Sakura because it isn't time yet. If this is starting to affect both of them, wouldn't they need to work together? I'm jealous of the food they were eating, though.

Looks like the Zestiria dub is going ahead with the Berseria interruption. And the X is pronounced Cross. I wonder what happened to episode zero, unless the site I'm watching it on didn't upload it.

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