Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Decisions Were Made

Season 1 of Tales of Zestiria the X will end with encountering the Lord of Calamity on the battlefield in episode 13. Season 2 will be next year. It's kind of weird to do it that way, I think. Pending the success of Berseria, who knows if they'll be making another appearance as well? I hope not. The dub wasn't bad but I still don't care about the game. They have a connection with Edna's brother but that wasn't tied into the anime at all. Doing that in season 2 might make it worth it, or whenever they next try to deal with him. Conga line for peace through violence indeed.

Not only will there not be a female Aqua Ranger, but there will not be a Talon Ranger either. I'm only disappointed because expectations were so high going into this and what we got was the short end of the stick by comparison. They still used the Talon Ranger's Zord, but in this continuity Shelby created it herself. That sounds like more work to keep the Spinozord footage but cut out its proper Ranger's existence entirely.

Yotsuba and Princesses was a cool chapter. To be continued, though, not that it really ended on a cliffhanger. My favorite part was when her dad didn't understand so she went next door where the oneechans live because SOMEONE would get it over there. Asagi became her fairy godmother and made her a dress out of trash bags. Yotsuba had tied strings with ribbons to her hair to have it trail on the floor like Rapunzel, but it looked more like Princess Serenity (although she did get TANGLED up in it like a familiar scene in said movie).

I'm glad The Silver Chair movie is being made. I didn't realize the Narnia films did so bad at the box office that the series was cancelled. At this rate I'll never get to see Magician's Nephew made. Please don't let this new movie suck. I want it to keep going.

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