Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Nerd Roundup

So I guess it's Beseria, not Berseria. I thought it was a portmanteau of Berserk and the Tales naming convention (based on a combination of looking at it too fast and not really caring since I was pissed). While it has nothing to do with Berserk, it does straight up rip off concepts from Dark Souls, Bloodbourne, and other games (purely by coincidence, I'm sure; please don't take legal action from this). In other gaming news, the 20-sided die came from 200 BC Egypt, at least according to something I saw someone repost to Facebook. While they used two 10-sided dice for Monster World, it does seem uncanny for something that could be Yu-Gi-Oh!-related (although Atem's past was somewhere between 3000 and 1000 BC). I also finished watching the Best Friends Play Nier. The Shades seemed like Heartless to me, and the human vessels were like Nobodies. The voicework in it was the best part, many of them having appeared in Tales of Vesperia. That Freezeria game looks pretty fun too.

So if we're to believe Ventus was a Dandelion, that raises a couple of questions for me. Did they all get sent forward to the same time period in the future? How did Xehanort get Luxu's Keyblade (and does he have any connection at all to Ephemera and Skuld)? Should we have been playing as Ventus all along in X and Unchained X? I had to draw something new to get this pent-up frustration out of my system. I drew Aeleus and Dilan being defeated by a Heartless swarm while Even and Ienzo look on in horror. That's probably not what you expected me to say, but I've just been feeling some kind of way lately.

Now each member of the Thrilling Intent trio has gone and made a big move without consulting the others, so none of them is in the right as far as I'm concerned. I was the most angry at Gregor as his was the most arrogant and also the first. Ashe was next, but it can be argued that she was manipulated by Xin. I was confused by her reasoning, as we went straight from her being mad at Gregor to having an existential crisis. Markus is chaotic, but lying about destroying the Iconoclasm spell and then using it to kill Xin was extreme. Thus, the best character in my mind now is the Goddamn Wonderpuss.

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