Friday, September 23, 2016

Giving In

A couple of weeks ago, I caved and gave into the pumpkin spice. I bought the Pop-Tarts and the Twinkies. They are so delicious. It's still hot and humid where I live, but the watermelon gum I still have has lost its appeal (probably because it started melting in my purse it was so hot this summer). I don't think I'll be getting the pumpkin gum if that comes back, and I'd really rather not get pumpkin marshmallows, even though I will probably give in to that too. I was on board with the pumpkin Cheerios, but they were sold out when I went shopping after work, as per usual. I'm not interested in pumpkin Special K (I tried the apple cinnamon and wasn't impressed), and I forget if I tried pumpkin Life already. I haven't tried the Cheeto Chicken Fries yet, probably won't, but for all their Cheeto dusting, why can't they bring back the Shake-em-up Fries?

I finally gave in and signed up for Pottermore. I'm a Gryffindor (wanted to be a Ravenclaw) and a Pukwudgie (which I'm assuming is the American equivalent of a Gryffindor), so I suppose I'm a Hermione as opposed to a Luna. I have a cherrywood wand with a unicorn hair core that is 10 3/4 inches long and bendable. My patronus is a dolphin (in my fan fics I have a lynx but I'll take it). Being a Gryffindor, for me, is like being a Green Lantern. I keep getting that result too when I'd rather be a Blue Lantern. Compassion is pretty important to me.

I liked Calluna's review of Digimon Cyber Sleuth. I like how she keeps bringing up Persona in her reviews (and even in her guest appearance in Linkara's Pokemon Omicron videos recently - which actually inspired me to draw Ienzo with a Litwick). The best parts were the little skits, like when she finds a lost object for her Tanemon plushie literally on the other side of the room to replicate one of the earlier side quests. I loved the fake flashback to her eleven-year-old self crying and covering her Gatomon plushie's eyes as she's watching Wizardmon die in the anime. That's why it was so satisfying when she got a Wizardmon in the game. She broke down the game pretty concisely and demonstrated why it's better than Pokemon Go.

This time there were five more Digimon Tri episodes released. I didn't have a problem with it for the most part except for the fact that none of my questions were answered. The person masquerading as the Digimon Emperor turned out to be Jennai (or is also masquerading as Jennai). Derek Stephen Prince wasn't listed for it on imdb, so I'm assuming they're going to use young Jennai's voice actor (or it just hasn't been updated yet). I didn't trust Himekawa. I'm not sure what she's up to or how she does what she does, but I didn't think she was dangerous. As usual, the Digimon parts were great (especially Gatomon) and the only thing that continues to hold it back is the half-baked plot.

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