Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Fewer Blurbs

Last week my store was selling pumpkin-filled powdered sugar donuts (also lemon and blueberry), but when I got one it was underwhelming. Normally, our bakery's donuts are more saturated than Dunkin Donuts', but I'm willing to risk the calories when I'm this desperate. Still, baked goods tend to sell out pretty early in the day, so by the time I get to what's left they're pretty stale and the filling doesn't taste as good (if there was much of it to begin with). We also seem to have sold out of Nestle products. The nice thing about working at a grocery store is the employee discount, but there really isn't much left after your shift is done, and you stand there starving while everyone else buys their food (or maybe it's just me).

The MLP season finale was pretty good. There would've been a riot if they had reformed Chrysalis, but starting a revolt made sense, especially if Thorax was offering the other Changelings a way never to be hungry again - it worked with Scar and the hyenas. The Homestuck epilogue came out, too, and while it wasn't exactly what I wanted, it was better than nothing. The Big War arc of Thrilling Intent finally concluded. I can't wait to see what's next.

Continuing his Dawn of the New World playthrough, my boyfriend acquired an earth monster named Riku, a harpy named May (close enough, as Sheena is actually voiced by Megan Hollingshead), and a skeleton with the same name as me. As for Telltale Batman, the only real difference the choice at the end of episode 2 made was whether or not Selina would continue to try to romance you and whether or not Harvey looked like Two-Face as he starts to go mad either way. Harvey may not have liked the idea of Selina and Bruce together (whether they actually were or not), but Travis was practically giddy over Vex and Percy getting together in Critical Role. Also, Lady Kima is here to smash things and eat chicken, and she's all out of chicken. Grog understandably still has a thing for her, and Allura was sad when they told her about Tiberius.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

A Few Quick Blurbs

I haven't had a lot of time lately, so I probably didn't do as good a job with the latest Alpha and Omega review. That dance number would've been a big-lipped alligator moment if it didn't get used as a plot point instead. It was definitely the weirdest installment, but I still think the clipshow one was the worst. That being said, the Halloween clipshow for Dino Charge was done well, as it was last year. It even tried to include everyone, even though the main five were once again in the spotlight.

I will probably not get the pumpkin marshmallows after all (I was going to put them in hot chocolate, but they are way too big and it would take too long to finish the bag, and it's just way too much sugar). I did, however, get a candy bar that was "pumpkin latte" flavored, but it didn't taste like coffee at all. It tasted like pumpkin and white chocolate, which was far less appealing. The Butterfinger skull I bought was much better but smooth instead of crunchy. I'm not sure if I'll end up getting any more candy for various reasons (sugar being one of them), but if I do I might be looking for some holiday-themed version of a Crunch or Krackle.

Thrilling Intent animated the part of the final battle when they beat Xin, by tabletopping no less. There was a reference to Persona when Markus, Gregor, Ashe, and Kier teamed up to do it - the four of them in a beat-em-up screen like when the entire party beats up an enemy. My boyfriend has been re-playing Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World. Names and voice actors from the Persona series have been popping up in it. Not surprisingly, so have the names Aqua, Ventus, and Terra (two Centurions and a monster).

Teen Titans Go! has resorted to abridging the old series (I hope it's just a one-off but there could be more). Since it's a parody series to begin with, I can't really say it's wrong. However, it does feel like an incredibly lazy move, much like when 4Kids did a similar thing with their dubbing. It's a move that screams "This is what you like, right? Right?!"

Thursday, October 6, 2016

That Time Again

The sixth Alpha and Omega feature, Dino Digs, came out on my brother's birthday back in May, so I thought I'd review it before the next one is due to come out next month. It has been named the worst one in the series by both fans and critics, though critics were more lenient with it. Let's start with the cover. The back cover says they have to stop a T-Rex from being excavated and coming to life. There's a T-Rex on the front cover, so it doesn't look like they succeeded (and indeed they did not). But why, you ask? Because magic exists in this universe apparently, and they sure as hell don't explain it (though they try, sort of). The environmental message of this installment is about wolves being relocated to man-made dens or "wolf suburbia." It's made ridiculous (not to mention there's a shoe-horned in dance number) and they go back to the wild at the end even though there are predators who want them dead (though I suppose the appearance of magic dinosaurs required a truce of sorts). If you want to watch dinosaurs revived by magic, just watch Power Rangers Dino Charge. I really can't compliment the actors enough, especially the guy who plays Heckyll.

I drew another piece of Critical Role fan art, in which Ghost Tiberius reminds Vax about what he'd said about Kynan in the first place. That's just an element I added to the part where Kynan stabs Keyleth and Ripley kills Percy; Tiberius was never directly mentioned again after his death (not by name anyway), but his presence was necessary a la Homestuck and DBZ Abridged. "I warned you about the boy, Vax. I told ya, dog."/"Shut up, ghost of Tiberius." As for Thrilling Intent, I love how Kier and Thog have just had it with this war.

This month's issue of Cardcaptor Sakura 3 had very nice artwork. Still lots of secrecy for seemingly no reason from both Syaoran and Touya. It also sounds like whatever is happening is purposefully redoing Sakura's journey of gathering the cards. Water has become Aqua.

I had to go to Wal-Mart to get the pumpkin Cheerios, and all they had was family-size. You can really taste the cloves and pumpkin puree.