Friday, November 25, 2016

Recent Releases

Episode 74 of Critical Role was assigned a title late - "Path of Brass." The following episode had a title when it was posted so probably a minor hiccup. I haven't really paid attention while watching either of them, maybe because of it being the fire plane or because Keyleth is my new Cheesy Gordita. I paid attention to the next one, though (mostly), since it was a big fight.

The next arc of Thrilling Intent is called The Harpy's Nest. No one was added to the intro, even though Colvin is now the bar's bouncer. Firi went with the group on whatever secret job Thog had found for them. I don't really like her, though, but maybe this arc will change my mind. Karol (Tales of Vesperia) was filling in a monster book too, but I didn't like him that much either. I liked Ilen from The Big War arc.

I looked at the RWBY manga. I couldn't really get into it because it just didn't sound like how they talk. I'm probably still going to read it, though. I wonder if volumes 2 and 3 got dubbed in Japanese and/or are available on YouTube. As far as I know, only three episodes from volume one survived.

Hetalia the World Twinkle dub came out. It was pretty amazing - they even mentioned Brexit in the last OVA. I also checked out AppMon recently. At first I thought it was stupid and annoying, but it had some good references. I liked the newest Pokemon movie with Volcanion. While the opening song was terrible, the end credits song was spot-on. Team Rocket was great too, though it would have been even better if they could have their own Megas since they actually have bonds with their Pokemon. Another nitpick is how Ash kept changing outfits while the shackle was still around his waist. I have yet to watch the Sun and Moon episodes subbed or dubbed, but I am current with the Generations episodes.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

On the Precipice

This past week's episode of Critical Role had no episode title. A decent one would've been "The City of Brass" since that's where they went. I wonder if they're not going to do episode titles anymore or they just decided to skip it this time. They were in the Fire Plane, but in Connecticut the Brass City is Waterbury.

Pumpkin Spice Life was a let-down after the Cheerios in that it was weak in flavor by comparison. Count Chocula had an overwhelming win, carrying 44 states (Boo Berry with 6 and Frankenberry only popular in Montana).

I had a dream that there was a Birth By Sleep game in which you played as Lea. He was trying to save Isa from being possessed by Xehanort. Then for some reason it became a crossover with Yu-Gi-Oh!. I don't think I'll ever be able to finish the Haunted Mansion storyline I was writing, but I did start a Sleepy Hollow storyline for Zexion. I may add more of an epilogue later but this is what I have for now:

    Zexion was sent to explore a world called Sleepy Hollow. Just a coincidence, he thought to himself, thinking about a story his master used to read to him. When he arrived, however, he became less and less convinced of that. As he crossed a small bridge over a stream, he heard the sound of galloping hooves behind him. He expertly ducked out of the way and hid so that he would not be noticed. His breathing temporarily stopped when he saw that the rider of the horse had no head and carried a jack o'lantern with him.
    It actually happened! he realized, finally getting his breath. As he continued to watch, Heartless trailed after the Headless Horseman. "Can't say I'm surprised," he muttered. This was the reason he'd been sent here, but he couldn't do anything about the Heartless on his own; a Keyblade was necessary to capture the hearts, or else the Heartless would just come back. He raised his arm to summon the corridor of darkness, but something stopped him from leaving. He remembered a sense of injustice he'd felt at the end of the story when Ichabod was run out of town by the Horseman.
    No, that's not... He shook his head, trying to wipe away the memory; he was unsuccessful. Even as a child, he'd seen right through the Horseman's disguise. It was Brom Bones, a bully of a man who donned the guise of the Horseman to eliminate his rivals. Zexion didn't particularly like Ichabod, but something deep down told him to intervene. It goes against our instructions. During the explorations of newly accessible worlds, the members of the Organization were not to interfere with the residents therein. Interfering with the histories of past worlds was also frowned upon, but that rule fell by the wayside if it was in line with the Organization's plans - Xemnas' plans. If Zexion helped Ichabod by unmasking Brom, he'd be changing the story. But...

    "That's it? The bad guy wins?" young Ienzo had asked when the story was over.
    "There's a life lesson in that. The good guys don't always win," Ansem had said solemnly.

    Zexion was conflicted, unable to shake it. "If I let Ichabod be run out of town and then unmask Brom in front of everyone, history won't change and Brom won't be able to hurt anyone else," he concluded. He decided to scout ahead to see where the Heartless had gone.
    By the time he arrived at the village proper, the Heartless were attacking the townspeople. Zexion made as many of them as he could disappear. Then he heard the galloping of hooves again. This time it was Ichabod, and the Horseman wasn't far behind. Zexion followed them, making sure his hood stayed up. He knew where they were going, so he bamfed back to the bridge.
    Right on cue. He watched as the Headless Horseman threw the jack o'lantern at Ichabod. It spooked the horse, which bucked Ichabod off. Zexion caught his breath as the Horseman closed in on Ichabod and pulled out a knife. "No!" Before he knew what he was doing, Zexion was diverting the Horseman's attention. The Horseman paused long enough to look in Zexion's direction, and Zexion made him disappear too - into his Lexicon.
    Ichabod was still sprawled on the ground. Zexion didn't give a damn whether or not Ichabod was happy as long as history was intact and he was still alive. "Get out of here!" Zexion urged.
    "But...the Horseman...You..." Ichabod shakily pointed a finger at the Lexicon.
    "I don't know how long it will hold him back. Flee!" Zexion pretended to struggle with the book, making it look like the Horseman could force his way out at any moment. Ichabod scrambled to his feet and ran after his horse.
    And now... Zexion returned to the village, where the townspeople were regrouping. Without a word, Zexion opened the Lexicon and produced the Horseman. The townspeople began to panic again, but Zexion yanked off the Horseman's head covering to reveal Brom Bones. There was a collective gasp and rapid murmuring among the crowd. Two people stepped forward to arrest Brom. During all the commotion, Zexion disappeared into the darkness. For all they knew, he was a ghost.

    "What are you smiling about?" Vexen asked him when he returned.
    "Oh, nothing," Zexion replied mysteriously.
    Vexen scowled. "Is that what you're going to write in your report? Nothing?"
    "I'm going to write it. There were Heartless, after all."
    "Fantastic. Though I don't see how that would make you happy." Vexen eyed him suspiciously.
    "Off the record, I consider it a personal victory." Zexion hurried off before Vexen could ask any more questions.
    He included the basics in his report. There were Heartless following around a person with darkness in his heart. He'd played by the rules and didn't engage with the townspeople (except for Ichabod, but Zexion didn't count him). He made no mention of what he'd done, as that hadn't affected the Organization's goals. Brom would still be there, heart filled with darkness, and the Heartless would undoubtedly return.
    Zexion lay down in his bed. He was certain that the book had said that Ichabod had fled, and he'd made sure it stayed that way. However, he didn't have the book with him now, so he couldn't say for sure. "Maybe I misremembered. Maybe I just wanted him to get away," he hypothesized. No. Master Ansem wouldn't have read it to me if the main character had been murdered. The day's events had almost seemed like destiny. He'd changed the story, but only slightly and to suit his needs. Ichabod is alive because of me. Brom is in jail because of me. Would the story in that book change, or...?
    He wondered what other worlds had been written about in books and who the people were that wrote them. What if we end up being written about in a book? Who would write it? Our story hasn't ended yet. Zexion didn't know how this would all end, if Xemnas would get his way or if it would truly benefit the rest of them. Who would even read such a book? I doubt history will remember us kindly. He sighed and switched off the light, resolving to turn in the report in the morning.

Saturday, November 5, 2016


After three years of working on other things, Goldpanner jumped ahead in the Dream Drop Distance story to bring us the translation of Sora's last chapter (in which he asks the important questions but also treats his Dream Eater like a Yoshi). However, this will also be the last one produced, as Yen Press is putting out the official localizations. So far the translated versions of Kingdom Hearts One and Chain of Memories have been published in the last two years, and there still aren't release dates for the Birth By Sleep books, which are the only ones I care about at this point (okay, and Riku's side of Dream Drop Distance). Well, after three years of nothing, I guess another three years or so won't be that bad - wait, of course it will.

For some reason, whenever I try to go to Taco Bell for breakfast, they haven't been serving it. I keep going before 11, but there's never anyone around or at the registers. Last time they didn't even have the breakfast menu flipped over and were only making food for the dive thru. No one acknowledged my presence at all. What they need is an all-day breakfast option if they're still doing breakfast at all (they're open early enough, so what's going on?). PM Crunchwraps aren't the same with "beef" instead of eggs and a hash brown. I even missed out on free taco day because I was sick in bed with a migraine.

The next Alpha and Omega video is about a deep freeze. That was also the title of the last installment of The Land Before Time series I saw before my brother and I grew out of it. We've both donated towards saving the wolves, but not because of this series (unless the proceeds of the DVDs go to the foundation as well, then that too). I'm just keeping at reviewing these things out of morbid curiosity. I kind of wish they would stop. It's gone on far longer than it had any right to from a creative standpoint.