Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Cute but Baffling

The episode about Applejack's parents is a Romeo and Juliet story (though not much of a surprise after the Hatfield/McCoy episode). We still don't know how they died (unlike Romeo and Juliet), and they will probably never get into that, but the episode had some good world-building in it. I thought Mrs. Cake's name was Cupcake, but she says she used to be called Chiffon Swirl. I suppose it could be a nickname, like how AJ's dad called her mom Buttercup, but Chiffon Cake as a married name makes sense too. The recent comics have included plot points from recent episodes, like the yaks and Dash's parents. The episode about Discord's and Fluttershy's relationship felt like it could've been an issue of Friends Forever if that was still a thing. Equestria Girls Dance Magic wasn't as good, but it reminded me a little of the episode Rarity Takes Manehattan. Movie Magic was better because it was a Daring Do movie, but I'm a little disappointed that human A.K. Yearling didn't appear in it (though that would probably mean she's off being Daring Do in her real life). It was also an easy mystery to solve, much like Rarity Investigates. They also worked Power Ponies into it, with Sunset dressed as Mane-iac. Mirror Magic tied both of them together and was probably the best one because it features what we've wanted to see - Sunset going back to Equestria and meeting Starlight (and bringing her back with her). Human Starlight reminds me of the dog from Littlest Pet Shop with her purple hair and hat.

The kids from Appli Monsters don't know what a phone booth is, which is fitting of today's youth. I can't help but think of the phone booths from season 1. Speaking of Adventure, now the Buddy Appmons have amnesia like in Tri and their personalities have shifted as well (whereas most of the season 1 Digimon were acting pretty much the same). Leviathan hasn't destroyed Yuujin yet, and we haven't seen Offmon. Maybe it will be explained in the coming episodes what Yuujin actually is.

The translated light novels for KH2 are being released through the end of this year. By the time they get to the Birth By Sleep ones, KH3 will probably be out.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

The Best and the Worst

So I failed to mention this before, but Yandere's phone says "Saikou" on it, which means the brand name is "Best." However, it's also pronounced like "psycho." Nice touch.

Special mention goes out to a recent episode of TTG for teasing their origin stories. Robin starts to tell his but the others stop him because it's too depressing. They tell theirs but steal other heroes' origin stories instead. It's usually funny when they troll Robin this way, but not this time. Raven didn't even pick someone from the Justice League or the DCU - she stole Spider-Man's origin. Starfire shouldn't have even tried to steal Batman's; as expected, Robin calls her on it. Starfire's story even had her wearing Adam West's costume; that was some timing. The ending was dumb, with Beast Boy stealing Hal Jordan's Green Lantern origin with the twist that he himself was a projection from John Stewart's Green Lantern ring. Then there was another recent episode, in which they play the Jinx game and say it has nothing to do with Jinx...at least until Robin loses his voice Ariel-style and they say that Jinx herself has it. While it was funny that Jinx had to remind Robin how to beat her, it wasn't funny that Robin had to use violence against his friends in order to get them to fight her. Starfire and Raven even asked her to do another girls night, which she didn't respond positively to. And then there was the most recent episode, which was about Beast Boy being dumb. *sigh* Add it to the list, especially since it touches on the usual cliche of added intelligence making a person mean. At first making fun of Robin was no big deal because, knowing these writers, he or someone else would've said it anyway. What he said to Raven was cruel (especially if he's supposed to like her), and what he said to Starfire didn't make sense because she isn't the only alien on Earth if the Justice League exists.

The dub of DB Super is pretty entertaining. Jaco and Freeza both have some funny dialog, especially in the one I just saw (episode 22). It seems as though Alexis Tipton has replaced Laura Bailey as Trunks. You can hardly tell, but I'm still a little disappointed. Also, was there an actors strike going on? That's the explanation they gave for Chloe having a different voice actress in the Life Is Strange prequel.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Five Nights at Yandere's

Scott Cawthon is coming out with a book called "The Freddy Files," detailing gameplay and lore that we know up to this point - and maybe a bit beyond. It comes out at the end of August (probably around the time Matt Mercer's Tal'Dorei book drops too), but it already has a rating of 4.7 out of 5. Published by Scholastic, its cover is reminiscent of that of Goosebumps; I love it. Hopefully it does not disappoint; I'm considering pre-ordering it as well as Matt's book. This may be a good gauge of the fan base, seeing how many people are looking forward to the movie and perhaps another game.

Another project still in the works is Yandere Simulator, which has progessed much further than the last time I had checked in on it (which was probably around the time Random Encounters did their Senpai Notice Me video). While it was obvious that the developer drew inspiration from Hitman, he made a Mission Mode where you get jobs from Info-chan to kill certain people in certain ways, just like in Hitman. He also likes Persona and recently drew a lot of inspiration from Persona 5 in regard to world-building and mechanics (and it wasn't lost on me that Shiho resembles the titular Yandere by sheer coincidence). If he continues to breathe new life into this project, more people will take notice. There are definitely still fans out there who ask him questions and send him things. I'm a fan of Kuudere myself.

Speaking of the title of this blog...maybe that could be an idea for the game, or at least a spoof video like he did with Yanderetale (an Undertale-style boss battle versus the Occult Club leader Oka). Yandere does have the option of torturing people (or at least holding them hostage) in her basement. I don't know how that would work (and he probably wouldn't do it), but it's something to think about. Although he reminds us at the end of or during several of his update videos, Yandere isn't a good person. However, the cutscene where she decides not to kill Kokona and resolves things peacefully instead (in that she asks her not to pursue Senpai and she reluctantly agrees, as Yandere has saved her family from debt) was really awesome. Pacifist run, yes.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Getting Caught Up

I'm really enjoying the fact that there are female Super Saiyans now, even if they're in Universe 6. Caulifla and Kale are definitely a dominant and a submissive pair, and that's why Kale is the female version of Broly, as MasakoX explained. Her reason isn't as stupid, though. The Buu arc Kai dub is coming along, and it seems funnier or stranger than before, especially Buu himself. At least, I don't think Krillin called Yajirobe useless in the first version. I almost expected him to follow it up with, "And I know Yamcha!" like the abridged series would. Speaking of useless, the Supreme Kai. MasakoX also mentioned how Shin (as well as Beerus) is the fucking worst at his job, and it really shows in the Buu arc. I can't believe Piccolo had to back down from their fight in the tournament. DBZ Kai is supposed to be the condensed version, but the Buu arc still seems long and pointless.

I find it weird that Appmon latched onto the idea of cyberterrorism when everything at LCorp's AI-run city went nuts. It was no different than what the monster of the day does (because that's what it was), and yet even the main characters called it cyberterrorism. It's still a publicity stunt since Leviathan is what L stands for, and LCorp's AI was credited for stopping the attack rather than the Appmon (which the protagonists never address since they let people think the problems sort themselves out). The show also shows its hand too much. The audience already knows about LCorp and its new CEO being evil, so showing "Cloud's" helmet behind Knight had no dramatic power behind it. I'd say the same was true of us knowing that Ken was the Digimon Emperor, but the difference is that we were given a reason to care about Ken (not that everyone did).

I got some time off work, so I was able to finish both Yu-Gi-Oh! D&D videos. Part 2 is up, and part 3 is scheduled to go up at the end of the month. I'm still deciding what to do for a holiday video.