Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Cute but Baffling

The episode about Applejack's parents is a Romeo and Juliet story (though not much of a surprise after the Hatfield/McCoy episode). We still don't know how they died (unlike Romeo and Juliet), and they will probably never get into that, but the episode had some good world-building in it. I thought Mrs. Cake's name was Cupcake, but she says she used to be called Chiffon Swirl. I suppose it could be a nickname, like how AJ's dad called her mom Buttercup, but Chiffon Cake as a married name makes sense too. The recent comics have included plot points from recent episodes, like the yaks and Dash's parents. The episode about Discord's and Fluttershy's relationship felt like it could've been an issue of Friends Forever if that was still a thing. Equestria Girls Dance Magic wasn't as good, but it reminded me a little of the episode Rarity Takes Manehattan. Movie Magic was better because it was a Daring Do movie, but I'm a little disappointed that human A.K. Yearling didn't appear in it (though that would probably mean she's off being Daring Do in her real life). It was also an easy mystery to solve, much like Rarity Investigates. They also worked Power Ponies into it, with Sunset dressed as Mane-iac. Mirror Magic tied both of them together and was probably the best one because it features what we've wanted to see - Sunset going back to Equestria and meeting Starlight (and bringing her back with her). Human Starlight reminds me of the dog from Littlest Pet Shop with her purple hair and hat.

The kids from Appli Monsters don't know what a phone booth is, which is fitting of today's youth. I can't help but think of the phone booths from season 1. Speaking of Adventure, now the Buddy Appmons have amnesia like in Tri and their personalities have shifted as well (whereas most of the season 1 Digimon were acting pretty much the same). Leviathan hasn't destroyed Yuujin yet, and we haven't seen Offmon. Maybe it will be explained in the coming episodes what Yuujin actually is.

The translated light novels for KH2 are being released through the end of this year. By the time they get to the Birth By Sleep ones, KH3 will probably be out.

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