Wednesday, June 21, 2017

The Best and the Worst

So I failed to mention this before, but Yandere's phone says "Saikou" on it, which means the brand name is "Best." However, it's also pronounced like "psycho." Nice touch.

Special mention goes out to a recent episode of TTG for teasing their origin stories. Robin starts to tell his but the others stop him because it's too depressing. They tell theirs but steal other heroes' origin stories instead. It's usually funny when they troll Robin this way, but not this time. Raven didn't even pick someone from the Justice League or the DCU - she stole Spider-Man's origin. Starfire shouldn't have even tried to steal Batman's; as expected, Robin calls her on it. Starfire's story even had her wearing Adam West's costume; that was some timing. The ending was dumb, with Beast Boy stealing Hal Jordan's Green Lantern origin with the twist that he himself was a projection from John Stewart's Green Lantern ring. Then there was another recent episode, in which they play the Jinx game and say it has nothing to do with least until Robin loses his voice Ariel-style and they say that Jinx herself has it. While it was funny that Jinx had to remind Robin how to beat her, it wasn't funny that Robin had to use violence against his friends in order to get them to fight her. Starfire and Raven even asked her to do another girls night, which she didn't respond positively to. And then there was the most recent episode, which was about Beast Boy being dumb. *sigh* Add it to the list, especially since it touches on the usual cliche of added intelligence making a person mean. At first making fun of Robin was no big deal because, knowing these writers, he or someone else would've said it anyway. What he said to Raven was cruel (especially if he's supposed to like her), and what he said to Starfire didn't make sense because she isn't the only alien on Earth if the Justice League exists.

The dub of DB Super is pretty entertaining. Jaco and Freeza both have some funny dialog, especially in the one I just saw (episode 22). It seems as though Alexis Tipton has replaced Laura Bailey as Trunks. You can hardly tell, but I'm still a little disappointed. Also, was there an actors strike going on? That's the explanation they gave for Chloe having a different voice actress in the Life Is Strange prequel.

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