Monday, July 24, 2017

Some Interesting Developments

Toy Story was shown as a preview for Kingdom Hearts 3 - releasing in 2018! Now, they've given a year but not a month/day or even a season, so I'm willing to bet late 2018 with the possibility that it gets pushed to early 2019 if delays happen again like with 2.8. With Toy Story 4 in the works, I hope they can get Tom Hanks, Tim Allen, (John Ratzenberger goes without saying) and everyone to reprise their roles for the game. It also occurs to me that Disney owns the Muppets that they could have a Muppets world in this or a future game. Obviously, Whitmire would not be a part of it (was he really that difficult to work with?), but maybe Frank Oz (not to mention when/if they do Star Wars). Muppet Sora and friends would be hilarious (whereas Young Xehanort looks like something out of Small Soldiers in that cutscene). Remember, it's all to protect the world order. :P Since Buzz and Woody already had their data in a game, maybe they will include Jungle Book this time around too (not the live action one, though). And since the CG of the game is close to that of Pixar, the Toy Story characters look exactly how they should. If they ever end up doing anime, KH Chibi would probably be funny (but would never happen). A bunch of new KH Funko figures have been leaked, but as many as there are, there still aren't figures for all of the characters. MST3K's Tom and Crow are getting figures, too, and that's pretty cool.

Now on to Appmon. Unryuuji's backstory is that he basically invented texting, and people eventually used it for cyberbullying, but he got the blame for making the app in the first place. The people in the Appmon universe are even dumber than reality. Yuujin and Offmon were rescued offscreen, and next time they look into where Rei's brother Hajime actually is. Leviathan declares itself CEO in Unryuuji's place, and Eri decides to quit Appliyama because of it, but Rei says she can't quit without helping him. Posing as a manager doesn't go well for him, but it turns out all right in the end...assuming letting them rescue Hajime (who is now a Sleepmon - how many other kids got kidnapped if they are all Sleepmon?) wasn't a trap of some kind.

I finished Little Witch Academia, including the special (which claims to be a sequel but is really an early-on midquel). Main character Akko gets worse before she gets better (except in the special where she's at her absolute worst), but by the end she's tolerable to me. Let's talk more about that special. It combines ideas from a few different episodes, and certain characters act out-of-character or at least accentuate their worst traits - including the townspeople. The townspeople are horrible, and while Diana is acting more arrogant than she ever has, she has a point about the parade being demoralizing. Akko is the bitchiest she's ever been, telling off her two teammates and abandoning them for Amanda's team (which is worse than what she does to her mentor in the main series, as she's being rude and dismissive to two people instead of one and didn't have to be tricked into doing so). As for the finale of the series, the antagonist harnessing the rage of soccer hooligans was kind of an ingenious plan (it is England, after all). Why do the villains always want to harness the power of anger for energy? Overall I'd say it had some good ideas, and I didn't hate it enough to stop watching.

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