Saturday, May 26, 2018

Cake and Regrets

Well, I've unsubscribed from Channel Awesome. Time's up, Walkers. Keeping your heads down, while from a legal standpoint isn't a bad choice, is insulting and disappointing. You suck.

The roll cake episode of Clear Card was pretty enjoyable the first time I saw it. Then the dubbed version came out this week. I liked the scene with Rika; I think her English voice suits the character (although having a lot of female characters with high-pitched voices annoys me). I don't understand what "appear" has to do with it since they already have a card that animates objects. Tomoyo blocking Sakura from sight in the corner so she could summon snooze was cool. Since this is an anime, people aren't going to be suspicious that they all fell asleep and the roll cakes were gone - they will continue to be oblivious/shrug and move on. Unless Kaito turns out to be a third split incarnation of Clow Reed, this is the first time Sakura is facing an actual threat rather than a test. Or he's just using her because something's going on with Akiho and her book. Maybe she's running out of magic/energy like Yuki was. Maybe her parents don't actually exist like Yuki's grandparents.

Hershey's Flavors of America - this time, instead of strawberry flavored Kit Kats, it's chocolate-covered strawberry flavored Kit Kats, which is all I ever wanted. It's like the Japanese apple-flavored ones only better because it's regular size too. I also got the New York Cheesecake Cookies and Cream bar, but that wasn't great. Real New York cheesecake is, though. The strawberry cheesecake Kit Kats from Japan were better anyway.

I missed opportunity in my lightning round video involves Ryan. I should've given the "they only bring disease and famine" quote to one of Ered's dads in regards to the platypus. Then I could've had Andersmith say "Enjoy Super-Guantanamo." I also regret that nothing Jensen said was all that funny, so I probably could've skipped giving anything to Orf or given her something from another one of Barbara's characters. Cosmo wasn't all that funny either but I wanted to include her too. I broke my rule and gave Taiyang two, one from Church and one from Burnie. And I suppose I could've given Tabii one of Nora's quotes like "I'm queen of the castle!" I haven't decided if I'm making a second lightning round video yet, but I wouldn't count on it.

I've had to watch most of this season's Survivor because whoever was posting the recaps to the CBS web site stopped after March 7. At first I thought it was on hiatus for March Madness, but nope! I'm glad that Wendell won out of the three of them, but I'm disappointed that Angela doesn't have a Ponderosa video. It's PonderOsa, not PonderosA.

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