Thursday, June 14, 2018

Kingdom Hearts E3 Analysis - Thoughts and Implications

Everyone got what they wanted at E3. Tales of Vesperia Definitive Edition is definitely something I wanted. As for Kingdom Hearts, I want Ansem the Wise to come back (either in an actual cutscene or end credits sequence) and for Ienzo and Aeleus to bow to him. Then I want him to hug Ienzo and Aeleus to hug both of them. Dilan and Even can hobble in as well if it's the end credits. I don't know if Braig (or anyone who got 'Norted) will make it back; I'm starting to lose hope. Luxord's still a pirate - they're doing Pirates 3. Still no word on where Demyx will be dropped. Some people think it might be Big Hero 6 since they're still working on those cutscenes. He might be a hold-out and help the heroes, or he may just make a water clone and cower in the bathroom. Upon closer inspection, Larxene's and Luxord's eyes are yellow (and they're both blonde so it's harder to tell if their hair has white in it). However, Marluxia's are most definitely still blue. What does this mean? So far the Seekers of Darkness consist of Master Xehanort, Young Xehanort, Ansem (Heartless), Xemnas, Braig, Isa, Larxene, Luxord, Marluxia (though why has he not been 'Norted?), and Vanitas. That leaves three. Demyx is probably one, Aqua might be one if Xehanort knows about her situation and takes advantage of it (since Nomura says her condition has nothing to do with him), and the last one was supposed to be Sora as of Dream Drop Distance. We see Riku sitting with Replica Riku ("the other him") like they're friends in one of the trailers, so it's probably not him. I'm going to be sad once we see a 'Norted Demyx. To be clear, he's my favorite Organization member, and the apprentices are my favorite people - Ienzo, Aeleus, and Even especially. I don't look at Ienzo now and see Zexion - I see a grown-up version of the boy from Birth By Sleep.

We also haven't checked in with Maleficent and Pete since we saw them talking to Hades about a black box. We know Ienzo is going to be working with the datascape to help get Roxas back. If she's still interested in the datascape, he's going to be a target like I originally feared. We know that the group from Radiant Garden don't like Maleficent, as she invaded their home when they weren't around after they'd lost their hearts. Even if it's not her, I just know something bad is going to happen or there's going to be a fight outside of where they're working on it (and it would be cool if Ansem swooped in to help in the midst of an attack on his castle if he managed to escape the Realm of Darkness). Aeleus said he had a bad feeling about something. What will that turn out to be? At least Sora won't be antagonistic toward Ienzo and Aeleus; on top of not remembering Marluxia (and by extension Larxene, and Even who is Sir Not Appearing), he's never met the two of them. He'll know they were in the Organization because they're Ansem's apprentices, but the last time he talked about that group, he was asking Braig how he could lie to his friends like that. Maybe Sora will get the full story of what happened from their perspective, and wouldn't that be awesome?

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