Saturday, June 23, 2018

More KH News and Drama

It has come to my attention that in the Japanese trailers, Marluxia does in fact have yellow eyes. I doubt Sora encounters him twice in the same world, both before and after getting 'Norted, so this was probably a mistake. Some people are complaining that the trailers gave too much away, but I don't think that's true since we're all talking about what's going to happen in such uncertain terms. It's certainly been hyped up much more than I was expecting. It's almost too good to be true. Can we really be getting everything that we wanted in the end, no matter the outcome? If we can save Aqua (Aquanort, omg) if we try hard enough, what does that mean for everyone else? Do we get to pick and choose which of the new Organization lives and who dies? Then there's the recap video that's said to be potentially several hours long to get new players (and especially Xbox players) up to speed on the lore. Unfortunately, the videos we've gotten so far in Japanese don't summarize the individual games but certain aspects to the plot, so it's not really a completely comprehensive series as of yet. They don't cover all of the characters, most notably leaving out Ansem the Wise (they show him but don't talk about him). I am interested to see how they handle the story of Pirates 3 since Sora has missed a lot in between adventures and is now okay with being a pirate. Furthermore, there seems to be some confusion as to how Aqua became tainted by the darkness and whether or not Ansem the Wise is also a seeker of darkness. At first Nomura was surprised that we were shocked that Aqua appeared thusly and didn't see it as a big deal, saying that that's just what happens when you're in the Realm of Darkness too long unprotected. Then later he was published in Famitsu describing the scene as Aqua being under the influence of Xehanort. Which is it, man?! Until we learn more, I'm staying out of this drama. Speaking of...

As far as I can tell, too many people asked Yandere Dev "Where's Osana?" and that caused him to lash out a little. However, people are still blaming him for his attitude based on past issues he's had on forums and such. People are acting like a person can't change who they are and should be harassed with their past mistakes and not allowed to move forward. I'm not taking sides as I have not read any of these forum posts, but this sounds no different to me than the commenters who asked Team Four Star "Wen Broly?" and the ones who harassed LittleKuriboh with "Where's the new episode?"

Pistachio Oreos are really great. Brad tried the pickle slush at Sonic despite him hating pickles, but he said he really enjoyed it. I've drunk pickle juice before because one of my classmates did it in high school, and I love pickles, but that's not what I'm looking for in a slush drink. I'd much rather have a nice lemon lime.

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