Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Not What It Seems

The good thing about binge-watching Steven Universe with the knowledge that Rose was Pink Diamond is that Pearl's behavior makes a lot more sense. Originally, she was one of the things that bothered me when I tried to watch it before; pretty much everyone was annoying except my friend's favorite character, Amethyst (and except Garnet, but she was the leader so I didn't care for her or was at least neutral on her). But now I can see that Pearl is like me, Pink is like my mom, and the other diamonds are like my mom's three older sisters. And I need therapy. Early Steven Universe is still not for me for the most part, though. As for "Legs from Here to Homeworld," the structure we saw shaped like White Diamond from "The Trial" was indeed her ship and not a statue or building. It's unclear how long she's been in there being the battery and the glue keeping Homeworld running and intact. Everyone had assumed she'd been out ruling over or conquering planets, but unless she did that through projections, those days are over. Also, who knows if she's always been emotionally detached or if it had something to do with Pink's faked shattering since the other two diamonds seem to have dealt with it in their own ways. Can Steven get her to care about anything ever again or even listen to him? Yellow thought she could talk to her but it's clear White's not listening to anyone. Or maybe something else happened that has nothing to do with Pink and that's just how she is.

The Orchestra trailer for KH3 finally resurfaced, and whoever reported on it before was wrong about who says "something doesn't feel right" probably because they were distracted by the hype (it was Buzz, not Aeleus). However, I still feel like bringing back Roxas isn't going to go that smoothly.

One more thing I will say about Berseria is the typos. Oh God, the typos. These subtitles were not written out by some poor tired person at ass o'clock in the morning. They were clearly the work of Google Closed Captioning. There is no excuse for this, even if it's just skits (sometimes the result was funny-bad but increasingly became bad-bad). My husband and his friend completed the story (there's still new game plus stuff to do, but all they wanted to do was finish it), and it's disturbing that Velvet and her brother are eating each other for eternity and kinda sad that Laphicet turned into a dragon anyway - the dragon of light, Maotelus.

Walgreen's had Sloppy Joe flavored Pringles, so I bought some. I'd rather have the real thing, but the real thing is messy, and these aren't. They taste very barbecue-y but different enough. I don't love them, but I think they're pretty decent.

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