Friday, August 17, 2018

Missed Opportunities

Teen Titans Go to the Movies was dumb, but I didn't hate it as much as I thought I would. It's not worth your time, nor do you need to see it to understand that Slade destroyed the Tower in the newest episode. It would have been better if Jade Wilson was a real person instead of a mask over Slade's mask. Any plot holes (like the different voice) are easily hand-waved away by his "mind manipulation." It made me miss Mad Mod. Unlike Trigon, I don't see Slade as being a comical villain in any capacity. He's done too many horrible things in the original series. Even destroying the Tower wasn't that cool - Terra sneaking in earlier in this series was better, and Trigon used it as a throne in the original series. I would've rather seen a whole movie about Weird Al's Darkseid. I also felt uncomfortable with Robin's nightmare sequence based on The Lion King with the same faux-Disney animation that Family Guy used that one time. In fact, I realize that the similarities between TTG and Family Guy are what make me dislike TTG in the first place. They hold on unfunny moments for too long, have dark moments that come out of nowhere and aren't funny (like running over Michael Bolton), and dramatic moments don't feel entirely earned. I don't even mind that Raven suggested killing the other heroes; original Raven probably would've said the same thing, albeit sarcastically. It's got some great moments for the kids amidst the garbage that is this series, but it's not going to change your mind about the show. I hope if we get a new season of the original show that it won't suck too.

Since Ashley's D&D character was referenced earlier on Blindspot, I think Cyborg should be revealed to play D&D on Teen Titans Go! since that show also does actor allusions. TTG!Robin rolling nat 1's like Wil Wheaton would be hilarious. The 2003 cartoon had the whole team playing a trading card game at one point.

I haven't compiled a list of favorite Steven Universe episodes, but I did like the one where Peridot was basically Wile E. Coyote and the one where Amethyst says "I got hit by an airplane!"

I was looking forward to the most recent "Let's Read Homestuck" because of the Kurloz/Meulin interaction (they talk with gifs). Next time, however, we start with Rufioh, voiced by Dante Basco. I'm really looking forward to that.

I tried Cocoa Puffs Ice Cream Scoops, and it's basically Berry Kix. Kind of disappointing. I'm starting to like the Azuki Bean Kit Kats a bit more. I've been eating them slowly because they're on the bitter side. The box is nice too.

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