Thursday, August 30, 2018

Something to Think About

My Steven Universe playlist for Ienzo/Raven is as follows: Love Like You, Something Entirely New, That Distant Shore, Do It For Her/Him, Here Comes a Thought, For Just One Day Let's Only Think About Love, and Stronger Than You. Thinking about it, there might be a good reason Garnet didn't foresee the Diamond attack at the wedding. Ruby did ask Sapphire not to use her future vision to see her in her dress. Had she, she might have seen the Diamonds coming to Earth. At the wedding itself, Sapphire can only think about Ruby anyway.

I watched the legendary crossover episode of Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel, and I found it underwhelming. I get that it was an homage to the Shattered Grid comics, which are Tommy-centric, but the episode focused a little too much on Tommy and not enough on the other captured Rangers. What were they doing when they got kidnapped? I would have liked to have seen that. Maybe if it was a two-part episode, but the previous episode was probably supposed to be part one since it featured Wes, Gemma, and Koda as robed figures. I'm also disappointed that Koda and Preston didn't get a moment. I mean no offense by this to anyone, but Gia looked like a baby next to the other Rangers. Why was Tommy the only one who cycled through his morphs, anyway? Gia, Kat, Rocky, and TJ could've done it too. They basically just woke up, said a line or two each, and then it was pretty much over. On a sadder note, a lot more people from the extended cast have died than I thought. I knew about a few of them: Trini, Ernie, one of Zordon's voices. A few of them didn't surprise me, like Phenomenus, Mr. Collins, and Bandora. Others I didn't know or expect but made me sad anyway: Richie, Tommy's brother, Udonna, Pappenbrook, others.

The princesses will have more screen time than that one scene in Wreck-It Ralph 2, after all. The pajama scene in the newest trailer threw me off, especially since I didn't recognize Tiana (girl doesn't sleep!). I think they're ripping off Dreamworks with the joke that no one can understand Merida because "she's from the other studio." That one character from How to Train Your Dragon did the same thing. I watched the two-part video MatPat did on the qualifications for being a Disney Princess, and it was kind of disturbing. Basically, it's whose movies grossed the most (no surprise there) and whose clothing is more marketable and non-controversial (that goes for the voice actors too). Also the thing Maui said about having an animal sidekick (I'm surprised he didn't also show the clip of him saying "If you sing, I'll throw up"). Speaking of, The Rock is the highest paid actor in the world right now, according to ERod's Baywatch review (the movie sucks, the review is awesome).

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