Saturday, March 23, 2019

Critical Roles

I don't think Demyx is the Master of Masters because Xigbar probably would've sensed that; the Foretellers recognized him as Luxu even though he looks and sounds completely different now (unless they were like "well there's no one else this person could possibly be"). I can't wait for Maleficent to actually do something again. In the comic I'm drawing, I now have to make up what that something is since she didn't accomplish anything other than finding out Xigbar has the box at the very end. Maybe since Radiant Garden wasn't playable, she didn't go there, as she was only following Sora. I thought for sure she would've checked the castle for the book at least, provoking a confrontation (like when she held Minnie hostage in Dream Drop Distance). I hope we haven't seen the last of those guys if we're going to be following Xigbar now. I'm at the part of my comic where he comes back from the Keyblade Graveyard to let them know he's okay and tell them what's happening. They take the news that he's Luxu pretty hard. Even wants to know why he's kept it a secret for all these years, and Xigbar says he knew Even would never believe him. Dilan and Aeleus aren't thrilled that the man they knew never existed and that maybe they were never really friends. Ienzo just wants to know whether or not he's going to leave again, and Ansem tells him it's okay if there's somewhere else he needs to be. Xigbar doesn't know what to say to any of that, but then Maleficent does show up. And that's as far as I've gotten.

I'm happy they got the principal cast back for the new Fruits Basket series, while most other roles will be recast. Colleen Clinkenbeard is a great choice for Akito, all things considered. Interestingly, Tia Ballard (Marron) will now be voicing Kagura, who used to be voiced by Meredith McCoy (Android 18). I see what they did there. While I was thinking Vic could be a good fit for Katsuya Honda (based on nothing other than his proximity to other characters voiced by Laura Bailey, specifically in Soul Eater), I'm not sure if he's going to win his legal battle or what's happening with his career. There are plenty of people who could do it, after all. While Aaron Dismuke can't be Hiro again, they could have him voice someone else (maybe Naohito?). I think Todd Haberkorn would be a good choice for Manabe. I'm really looking forward to what the expanded cast will look like. Will Mike McFarland return as Ritsu? I wonder what role Caitlin Glass will play - I'm hoping Mayuko-sensei.

Fruity Lucky Charms is not much different from Frankenberry, to be honest. Chocolate Lucky Charms shouldn't be that different from Count Chocula either, but the Monster cereals might have the edge here. I know I enjoyed Marshmallow Fruity Pebbles a lot more.

Friday, March 15, 2019


The Dunkin Donuts pumpkin coffee is better than the Starbucks one. I don't need the Starbucks pumpkin spice latte in my life, but the Dunkin one is like drinking a pumpkin spice donut, which is delightful. I'm thinking of trying the Irish cream coffee for St. Patrick's Day plus whatever the holiday gimmick donut is, hopefully something good. I feel like I should because of my Irish heritage. Until Geoff talked about it, I didn't know what an Irish goodbye was. The only one I know is exactly the opposite, where you have to find and hug everyone in the house before you leave. The M&Ms have different peanut flavors again, and this time I actually care. English toffee is AMAZING. Coconut's good too. Lay's Do Us A Flavor is also back, and the only reason I passed up the beer cheese flavor is that it's just another cheese flavored chip that I'll probably like anyway. Lime and Sea Salt is new and exciting. Normally I can't taste the hint of lime in corn chips, but the potato chips taste like they were soaked in lime juice. Golden Oreo O's is very sugary, so I'm glad I passed up the powdered donut ones. I still think chocolate Oreos are better as both cookies and cereal, barring the graham cookies used for certain flavors like carrot cake or key lime pie.

I always saw Top 5 as Walter's show, but clearly it wasn't, as Doug's executive meddling was on full display earlier. I still watch it sometimes, especially regarding Power Rangers, Goosebumps, and Are You Afraid of the Dark? I wish it was on Walter's channel (same with Tamara's Never Seen - I loved the Clue episode). Now it's cancelled, and Walter is moving on to another project. Channel Awesome remains the Doug Walker show. At least the final [regular] episode was a decent one and that their favorite episode of Boy Meets World is also mine. 

I enjoyed that the new character Travis played in The Search for Grog was basically Cameron Campbell, switching triumphantly back to Grog when they retrieved his soul. It was nice to hear the actors reprise their roles as Vox Machina (except Vax, but Liam was still cool). I don't know if this is a reflection on Taliesin or not, but I can readily remember quotes from three of his characters. Percy: Your secret is safe with my indifference. Mollymauk: I am your god! Long may I reign! Caduceus: We're running. It's bad.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Second Thoughts (KH3)

Thinking about it, since Xigbar didn't return to normal, Demyx and Vexen wouldn't have either. That means they would've had to be voluntarily taken out, which Demyx wouldn't like and Vexen would accept as part of his atonement. I think the real reason he had Demyx do the delivery is that he didn't want to face the others just yet; it's probably the same reason he didn't try to talk to any of them before he went for a walk (also he realizes he was the first to go and the last to get up, so there's some level of embarrassment there as well, plus anger towards Lea). He and Demyx probably returned during or after the war and had Dilan and Aeleus destroy their Nobody forms using their weapons so they could be reconstituted. Speaking of which, Saix's death reminds me of Xion's a little bit, with Lea holding him like Roxas held her.

Originally I'd hoped that Ienzo would make friends with everybody and interact with them in the end, but I guess after everything that's happened he's going to continue living that hermit life and only communicate via Instagram when he feels like it. Why did they focus on him tapping his fingers while he was on the phone talking to Sora if not to show that he has social anxiety? He pushes himself to always be calm, collected, and polite, but it doesn't come easily to him. He's a good egg, and that's all that matters. (Great, now I'm thinking about abridged Vegeta's "MY BABY BOY!" coming out of DiZ's mouth in Chain of Memories.)

I realized I had to change the ending of my Mikage story (I'll leave the other one alone for now since that was my coping mechanism for nearly dying and other things, so it's less important to update and get right). I'm glad that Dilan and Even were stable enough for Aeleus and Ienzo to transfer them to their respective bedrooms, so that part may change. Starting with Even being abducted, Sayuri has to deal with the fact that all but a few people have disappeared again. I'm still leaving Larxene as "Relena-senpai" because it's too late to go back on that now as well as the four of them being from Radiant Garden instead of Daybreak Town. Sayuri freaks out when she sees Demyx has yellow eyes, but he doesn't seem to mind. When Even does return, she gets mad at him for making them all worry, going as far as to hit him with his own pillow. I've been wanting to ship her with somebody but there are no real viable candidates. Isa had Lea kill her, so they're pretty much out. Demyx probably is the best choice, but he wouldn't want to be tied down ("If you like your sitar so much why don't you marry it?"). She views Ienzo as a brother, and her feelings towards Dilan are more like a silly schoolgirl crush that I assumed a lot of girls her age would have. She still has a dad and uncles, so I don't know where her attachment to Even and Ansem comes from (except for the fact that they're around and have personalities she's somewhat used to dealing with and can appreciate).

The Same and the New

Brad tried Pop-Tarts cereal, which apparently existed in the 90s too but I don't remember it either. I haven't seen it in the store yet, but I don't go to WalMart and they usually get everything first. The Nilla banana pudding cereal was pretty good if you like bananas and marshmallows. It wasn't too sweet-tasting, which is good. I wish there were actual banana-flavored Nilla wafers instead of lemon. I also picked up Fruity Lucky Charms, so that should be interesting.

What I said about Teen Titans Go! over New Year's still holds true - cute outfits on Raven, but Robin needs to stop hitting Beast Boy for no reason. It would've been better if Starfire's Johnny Appleseed was planting seeds with one hand and flipping off the animals with the other, but they're not going to cross that line. The Girl Scout cookie episode was the best one in a while with the way Starfire went power mad selling cookies. People do like the thin mints.

Power Rangers Beast Morphers is awesome. The place where they're training in the beginning looks a lot like the original youth center. The plot kind of resembles Jungle Fury with Blaze being a jerk to future Red Ranger Devon. Devon, much like Preston, is the mayor's son. Nate's adorable and says Billy's catchphrases (although "phenomenal" instead of "morphinomenal" is probably for the best). Originally he was listed on the Wiki as the Gold Ranger but they have the Gold Ranger's identity as TBA now. Maybe it was a spoiler or they changed it like they did in Dino Charge. Zoey's introduction reminded me of Sophie from SPD for some reason, probably because she's a low-level trainee. I don't see why Ravi and Roxy couldn't still date even though they're both  Ranger candidates. It's not like that's ever been a problem before, but apparently this organization doesn't like dating in the workplace (but nepotism is fine, as Ravi is the commander's son).

The Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded light novel is set to come out in August (assuming no delays like with 358/2 Days last year). I didn't know one was written, but if it can clear up anything else that the new cutscenes didn't, that's great. Otherwise, it's still a big waste of everyone's time (recapped in Rong Rong's nutshell video by Namine messing with Jiminy's journal and DiZ telling her to stop). I wonder if Back Cover or any other part of the mobile game's story will be adapted. The only one I know of that's still to come is Dream Drop Distance. I assume the side stories were combined into the omnibuses of the games they would've taken place in.