Friday, March 15, 2019


The Dunkin Donuts pumpkin coffee is better than the Starbucks one. I don't need the Starbucks pumpkin spice latte in my life, but the Dunkin one is like drinking a pumpkin spice donut, which is delightful. I'm thinking of trying the Irish cream coffee for St. Patrick's Day plus whatever the holiday gimmick donut is, hopefully something good. I feel like I should because of my Irish heritage. Until Geoff talked about it, I didn't know what an Irish goodbye was. The only one I know is exactly the opposite, where you have to find and hug everyone in the house before you leave. The M&Ms have different peanut flavors again, and this time I actually care. English toffee is AMAZING. Coconut's good too. Lay's Do Us A Flavor is also back, and the only reason I passed up the beer cheese flavor is that it's just another cheese flavored chip that I'll probably like anyway. Lime and Sea Salt is new and exciting. Normally I can't taste the hint of lime in corn chips, but the potato chips taste like they were soaked in lime juice. Golden Oreo O's is very sugary, so I'm glad I passed up the powdered donut ones. I still think chocolate Oreos are better as both cookies and cereal, barring the graham cookies used for certain flavors like carrot cake or key lime pie.

I always saw Top 5 as Walter's show, but clearly it wasn't, as Doug's executive meddling was on full display earlier. I still watch it sometimes, especially regarding Power Rangers, Goosebumps, and Are You Afraid of the Dark? I wish it was on Walter's channel (same with Tamara's Never Seen - I loved the Clue episode). Now it's cancelled, and Walter is moving on to another project. Channel Awesome remains the Doug Walker show. At least the final [regular] episode was a decent one and that their favorite episode of Boy Meets World is also mine. 

I enjoyed that the new character Travis played in The Search for Grog was basically Cameron Campbell, switching triumphantly back to Grog when they retrieved his soul. It was nice to hear the actors reprise their roles as Vox Machina (except Vax, but Liam was still cool). I don't know if this is a reflection on Taliesin or not, but I can readily remember quotes from three of his characters. Percy: Your secret is safe with my indifference. Mollymauk: I am your god! Long may I reign! Caduceus: We're running. It's bad.

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