Monday, May 27, 2019

Not So Fast

Remembering that MasakoX had once done Kampfer Abridged with his friends at TFS, I looked it up and watched the dub. It's amazing what I'll tolerate now. If I'd tried to watch this ten years ago when I was graduating college, I don't think I'd be about it. I don't hate it, and the dialogue is snappy, but it's not really my thing, just like Little Witch Academia wasn't (but for entirely different reasons). I couldn't stop watching it, but I wasn't exactly hooked by it either. I don't know if there's a manga, but the anime didn't have a conclusion, even with two OVA episodes. It probably was just an excuse to do porn.

In the new DuckTales, Jim Cummings' Darkwing character was turned into the villain, just like him in real life. Normally I don't want to hear about celebrities' marital problems, but he was supposedly really scummy.

Ziva's coming back to NCIS. Don't know how they managed to get Cote to agree to that. I'd be happier about it except for Tony's departure from the show (unless they get Weatherly to come back too, that way Tony and Ziva can raise their daughter together). Still, if not for the fact that they thought she was dead, Trent Kort would be in jail right now instead of them personally executing him; they're the good guys! *sigh* It's just a show.

I'm writing a scenario in which my insert character ends up dating Isa. He asks her out as part of his character arc, since he's dealing with his feelings of jealousy and loneliness. In my version of the end scene from KH3 (which I've changed to be more like the ending of 2 since we're not clear on what actually happened with Sora and Kairi and won't have closure to that for a while), Ienzo and Sayuri are there too since they'd befriended Pence and Namine, respectively. Isa hangs back while everyone else goes to greet Sora and Kairi. Sayuri offers to keep him company, but he lets her go because he's trying not to be possessive. Later, Lea talks him into asking her on a date. Sending people to their deaths at Castle Oblivion would've been a deal-breaker if not for Isa being a better person after the Keyblade War.

Sunday, May 19, 2019


RIP Pua Masagiva, a.k.a. Shane from Power Rangers Ninja Storm, and Ashley Massaro.

I incorrectly attributed the "high school girls" song to the sleepover episode, but it's actually the school's opening ceremony episode (since Shigure and Akito are visiting for Haru and Momiji's sake). Still, they skipped the part where they're cleaning out the library for Kyo to live in and Shigure asks what kind of girls Tohru's friends are, which is what I got it confused with. Mayuko is not voiced by Caitlin Glass, nor has she been shown as the teacher. Akito passed by Tohru in a car, nearly running her over as she followed Sigure out of the inner complex, instead of appearing staring at her in the window. I liked the latter better, though this shows how dangerous Akito can/will be/has been. Additionally, Akito was shown in the flashback as injuring Hatori by shoving him into a mirror rather than breaking a pot over his head, which seems to come across as more of an accident. Colleen did an excellent job vocalizing Akito's blind rage. Overall, I like how this episode was put together, not that there was anything wrong with the first anime's episode. While it would have been out of place here in an otherwise serious episode, Shigure taking Momiji's drink from him and Momiji getting annoyed by it was funny.

Peanut Butter Lovers' Reese's Cups are perhaps the closest I will ever get to Reese's Inside-out Cups again. I can barely tell the difference between regular and Chocolate Lovers' though. I also can't tell what's different about the new recipe Butterfinger, except maybe a stronger peanut butter taste. Also, I finally found a store that sells mint M&M candy bars. Crispy alone was fine, but this one's divine.

Keisha Grant and Darren Kramer were two of my favorite newscasters growing up. Then I switched to CBS This Morning. Now I don't watch anything (except the TV in the break room at work is always tuned to Fox News, so I watch videos on my phone instead). I don't have to to know that people hate women [and weed] right now. "Won't someone please think of the children?!" No! You don't even care about real children, hypothetical straw person, do you? If you couldn't already tell, I'm at odds with my hometown's conservative politics. When I was a kid, I wanted to fit in, and getting rejected from the community really hurt. When I was feeling homesick during college, I bought an I Love Wallingford shirt. Now I couldn't imagine anything more wrong, and I'm increasingly dubious of everything I thought I knew about the town. I'm putting Wallingford on blast. Don't @ me.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Well That Was Nice...Ish

TTG finally had a nice episode where Trigon agrees to stop using Raven to open portals and just be her dad. Too bad Robin had to ruin it by being Jake English in Trickster mode. The compilation of fractured Greek tales was interesting, if not annoying (I liked Khary's performance, though). Scott's voicing a Robin (Damian?) in the new Lego Batman movie, and Troy Baker has replaced Will Arnett as Batman. I was expecting to hear Will, so it was weird, but Troy's not a bad choice. While I'm glad Scott is in it, seeing the trailer after watching these episodes of TTG made me not like it as much. If only TTG!Robin wasn't so grating and annoying.

I finally finished reading both Homestuck epilogues. One was a trek, the other a slog. I started with Candy, in which John chooses not to do what Rose says, and what unfolds can only be described as a bad soap opera on purpose. All the while, you know that much more interesting things are happening in the other epilogue whether you read it first or not (damn you plot/black hole event horizon). If you read Meat first, at one point narrator Dirk tells you to stop, read Candy, and come back. It really doesn't matter, though. Meat hits many of the same story beats as Candy, but it feels more like a Homestuck story. The postscript to each one ties into the other. Both end with some version of "the prince needs to be stopped," which makes me wonder if there will be another story where parties from both epilogues set off on another mission or if Hussie intends to leave it there forever. Did we really gain anything meaningful out of it other than more content? I can definitely relate to Rose's condition, though she's like that 24/7 whereas I only suffer 1-3 days out of a month. And my girl Aradia is still around, so that's cool.

Fruits Basket combined the culture fest episode and the sleepover episode. It was changed so that Arisa and Saki find out about Tohru living with the Sohmas via Momiji and Hatori showing up rather than her sitting them down and telling them at the top of the episode. We were never going to get something like the episode from the first anime, but some people were really looking forward to Shigure sing-songing "high school girls" and were denied (though John Burgmeier did say it in a recent BTS clip on Funimation's YT channel - apparently he gets asked to do it a lot). The episodes do feel longer, so it actually feels slower instead of rushed like the beginning of Brotherhood.

Another Top 10 Random Encounters is in the works, but they're already doing rounds of polls on their own right now. Right now I'm up to 6 or 7, so that could be helpful. Or they could make a few more that rock and I'll save it for the end of the year.