Monday, May 27, 2019

Not So Fast

Remembering that MasakoX had once done Kampfer Abridged with his friends at TFS, I looked it up and watched the dub. It's amazing what I'll tolerate now. If I'd tried to watch this ten years ago when I was graduating college, I don't think I'd be about it. I don't hate it, and the dialogue is snappy, but it's not really my thing, just like Little Witch Academia wasn't (but for entirely different reasons). I couldn't stop watching it, but I wasn't exactly hooked by it either. I don't know if there's a manga, but the anime didn't have a conclusion, even with two OVA episodes. It probably was just an excuse to do porn.

In the new DuckTales, Jim Cummings' Darkwing character was turned into the villain, just like him in real life. Normally I don't want to hear about celebrities' marital problems, but he was supposedly really scummy.

Ziva's coming back to NCIS. Don't know how they managed to get Cote to agree to that. I'd be happier about it except for Tony's departure from the show (unless they get Weatherly to come back too, that way Tony and Ziva can raise their daughter together). Still, if not for the fact that they thought she was dead, Trent Kort would be in jail right now instead of them personally executing him; they're the good guys! *sigh* It's just a show.

I'm writing a scenario in which my insert character ends up dating Isa. He asks her out as part of his character arc, since he's dealing with his feelings of jealousy and loneliness. In my version of the end scene from KH3 (which I've changed to be more like the ending of 2 since we're not clear on what actually happened with Sora and Kairi and won't have closure to that for a while), Ienzo and Sayuri are there too since they'd befriended Pence and Namine, respectively. Isa hangs back while everyone else goes to greet Sora and Kairi. Sayuri offers to keep him company, but he lets her go because he's trying not to be possessive. Later, Lea talks him into asking her on a date. Sending people to their deaths at Castle Oblivion would've been a deal-breaker if not for Isa being a better person after the Keyblade War.

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