Sunday, May 19, 2019


RIP Pua Masagiva, a.k.a. Shane from Power Rangers Ninja Storm, and Ashley Massaro.

I incorrectly attributed the "high school girls" song to the sleepover episode, but it's actually the school's opening ceremony episode (since Shigure and Akito are visiting for Haru and Momiji's sake). Still, they skipped the part where they're cleaning out the library for Kyo to live in and Shigure asks what kind of girls Tohru's friends are, which is what I got it confused with. Mayuko is not voiced by Caitlin Glass, nor has she been shown as the teacher. Akito passed by Tohru in a car, nearly running her over as she followed Sigure out of the inner complex, instead of appearing staring at her in the window. I liked the latter better, though this shows how dangerous Akito can/will be/has been. Additionally, Akito was shown in the flashback as injuring Hatori by shoving him into a mirror rather than breaking a pot over his head, which seems to come across as more of an accident. Colleen did an excellent job vocalizing Akito's blind rage. Overall, I like how this episode was put together, not that there was anything wrong with the first anime's episode. While it would have been out of place here in an otherwise serious episode, Shigure taking Momiji's drink from him and Momiji getting annoyed by it was funny.

Peanut Butter Lovers' Reese's Cups are perhaps the closest I will ever get to Reese's Inside-out Cups again. I can barely tell the difference between regular and Chocolate Lovers' though. I also can't tell what's different about the new recipe Butterfinger, except maybe a stronger peanut butter taste. Also, I finally found a store that sells mint M&M candy bars. Crispy alone was fine, but this one's divine.

Keisha Grant and Darren Kramer were two of my favorite newscasters growing up. Then I switched to CBS This Morning. Now I don't watch anything (except the TV in the break room at work is always tuned to Fox News, so I watch videos on my phone instead). I don't have to to know that people hate women [and weed] right now. "Won't someone please think of the children?!" No! You don't even care about real children, hypothetical straw person, do you? If you couldn't already tell, I'm at odds with my hometown's conservative politics. When I was a kid, I wanted to fit in, and getting rejected from the community really hurt. When I was feeling homesick during college, I bought an I Love Wallingford shirt. Now I couldn't imagine anything more wrong, and I'm increasingly dubious of everything I thought I knew about the town. I'm putting Wallingford on blast. Don't @ me.

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