Tuesday, October 15, 2019


Caitlin Glass and Aaron Dismuke have made their appearance in the new Fruits Basket as Machi and Kakeru. Not what I was expecting, but it's great to have them. Brina Palencia also voices Rin. I can't wait to see who else will be showing up in season 2. With a 63 episode run in total, we're in for a good time.

The two episodes of Camp Camp this season revolving around Gwen made me relate to her even more. She's seen as a party-pooper because if she doesn't get the work done, no one else will (and there would be no party). I don't have the same problem with my dad that she does, but I do appreciate him saying he couldn't have started his music career now in this economy. The finale hurt the most because she had aspirations of being an author but that didn't end up happening, just like me. Now I only write fan fiction to please myself.

Discord being Grogar the whole time is even more disappointing than Xigbar being Luxu. I did like Granny Smith's Star Trek dream with GrandPear as Kirk, Mud Briar as Spock, and Discord was there too (Q). We know Kirk likes green women. But with it ending, I have to think that there might be a future episode of TTG where Raven flips out because her pony show ends too. Speaking of which, like Moliminous, I too am annoyed that all Teen Titans properties focus too much on Raven's relationship with her dad, like that's all she is. She's tried so hard not to define herself by her dad or her demon side, but lazy writing always goes back to that (especially Injustice, OMG). I did write something similar - a dream where her gem is damaged or pulled from her, but that was for an additional segment of "Anger Management for the Vertically Challenged," and it didn't involve her father, just her red-cloaked persona. Needless to say, I liked that better. The movie felt like it took forever, and Raven no longer having her gem makes me think they were just tired of remembering to draw it in the first place.

The episodes of Yu-Gi-Oh! Season 0 that I watched were taken down, which shouldn't come as a surprise. I'm grateful that I got to see it at all and made an amv with it.

My favorite Chapstick flavors currently are the green tea mint I keep in my purse and the sugar cookie I keep at home.

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