Saturday, November 30, 2019

The End of YouTube?

It’s been a while. I’ve been busy with work and my computer battery died so I had to get a new laptop. Transferred over all the important files but still clinging to hope that the rest can be salvaged either professionally or whatever. Just finished and uploaded this year’s holiday video, but if YouTube is really going to fine every video on a channel marked “not for kids” that contains lots of pretty colors and shapes, anime and gaming channels are going down hard. I don’t want to be among them, so I may just delete my videos on New Year’s Eve. My brother hasn’t used his channel in years, back when you didn’t use your email to sign in. I don’t remember what email he used, but my attempts to retrieve it have failed. I hope they don’t hold his inactive account against him, since he was an MLP channel.

I haven’t watched the newest batch of TTG episodes, but the six-episode dump prior was mostly hot garbage. That being said, TV Knight 5 took a shot at getting political, so kudos. At least we can all agree who public enemy no. 1 is. I also approve of Cyborg hitting Robin instead of Robin hitting Beast Boy; that was great. Raven still has her forehead gem, so I guess that movie wasn't canon or hasn't happened in continuity yet. I forgot to mention this last time, but even though I hate TTG Beast Boy, ‘03 Titans Beast Boy is precious and must be protected at all cost. I saw Linkara’s Secret Origins month video on Cyborg/Starfire/Raven, and I’m disgusted that Starfire and Raven’s creator was kind of a pervert when it came to choosing their body types and rationale for doing so. At least that explains why Raven’s so into dance in TTG. I knew that Cyborg was put on the Justice League to replace Martian Manhunter, but I didn’t know that Hal Jordan was back on the team instead of John Stewart.

I read the Dream Drop Distance light novel, and though I don’t like the way it’s arranged (instead of switching back and forth like the game, the story is divided up into Sora and Riku respectively, whereas BBS was organized by world instead of character unlike that game’s structure – weird). I love the narration when Lea and the others wake up – he remembers that he was responsible for Zexion’s death, and when Ienzo says “What happened?” when he gets up, he says he doesn’t know and Ienzo glares at him. Aeleus says “What the devil?” when he gets up, which I didn’t think was in character for him but whatever. Haven’t finished it yet (no time, and I’ve got more to read), but really looking forward to it. Finally got Clear Card 6 in the mail yesterday. Clear Card 7 is set to come out at the end of April.

“Trust Love” is probably my least favorite RWBY theme song so far, so as my least favorite game (aside from the mobile game series). As far as the KH/RWBY comparisons/designations go, Re:Coded can have it. I enjoyed Rooster Teeth’s holiday merch video parodying Die Hard (with Santa instead of Bruce Willis). “RWBY is a show, you fools!” Neo (and her theme song) were added to BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle; all she does is giggle and have ellipses as her dialogue. Very surprised to see the main character of Arcana Hearts as well. Only played the first game, so if there are more characters besides her, I don’t recognize them.

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