Sunday, February 9, 2020

Trust Love?

Eggo Waffles cereal is a fair substitute for Waffle Crisp. Where the latter was square-shaped and heavily tasted like syrup, Eggos taste somewhat like syrup but with a strong Eggo finish. I have not and do not intend to try the blueberry variety. Maybe if they do a strawberry, but chocolate chip would just be Cookie Crisp. Brad calls these Frankenstein cereals. Of Twinkie cereal, he said, “Of course it’s good.”

RWBY didn’t quite turn out the way anybody expected. The volume ended with Salem entering Atlas on a giant whale Grimm (because Monstro to Pietro and Penny’s Gepetto and Pinocchio) while Pietro and Maria helped RWBY and JNPR (with the P now standing for Penny instead of Oscar Pine) escape Atlas as wanted criminals, leaving Oscar and Qrow behind to face judgment. Ironwood fucking shot Oscar, who would’ve died if not for Ozpin reactivating. Penny became the Winter Maiden instead of Winter because of circumstances, so Ironwood and Cinder were both screaming about that. Ren needs to get a handle on his emotions, which is weird to say about him but that was his arc this season which didn’t get closure. Nora’s voice actress said there’d be backstory on her, but we never got it. I guess they ran out of time, but whatever it is is known to her to inform her performance.

Bojack was even worse. I’m fine with him going to jail after almost dying; it would’ve been anti-climactic to end with him dying and taking the easy way out. That Xerox thing did him dirty; he shouldn’t have had to lose his house and involve the new family living in it when he went on a bender and drowned himself in the pool. If anything, he should’ve set Angela Diaz’s house on fire after she revealed she’d been bluffing about firing Bojack alongside Herb. Although Bojack does shitty things, there are even shittier people like her around who should share in the blame.

Speaking of Bojack, Team Four Star isn’t doing that movie or the Buu saga. They might be doing shorts instead, but otherwise, DBZA is over. Critical Recap is gone, which is too bad because I’m falling behind again and don’t have time for Talks Machina. Instead, Handbooker Helper came back, which is cool.

With Raven’s forehead gem, it’s hard to resist writing her like a half-gem half-organic like Steven Universe. I’ve recently been working on a series of scenes in which Zexion chooses to stay with the Titans (rather than be killed by Riku or, in the post-KHIII rewrites, die helping Ansem dismantle the Kingdom Hearts moon). As such, I have to re-examine old episodes of the show (I know I’ve probably done some things out of order, but they’re largely one-offs that don’t depend on continuity to make sense). I haven’t gotten to Re:Mind yet since it hasn’t come out on Xbox yet, but soon. I do know the Yozora twist from watching HMK’s videos, and I don’t care. We don’t even find out Luxord’s real name, but him being part of VS-XIII explains why he’s Nomura’s favorite. His role in XV is Cor, voiced by Matthew Mercer (who voices Ira in Back Cover; Noctis and the Master of Masters have the same voice actor as well).

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