Saturday, March 7, 2020

Wasn't Worth It

I had to delete two more videos due to copyright, whittling my channel down to 70 videos. I’m going to try to make two more videos for KH3/Re:Mind in the next couple of months, but I’m not sure how successful those will be due to finding non-copyrighted versions of the songs I want to use (so get used to piano tutorials, I guess). I’ve lost a little enthusiasm for one of them, seeing as how Saix is the one who wanted to atone, not Xigbar. I was going to set his fight to “Other Friends,” as he’s fighting Axel and his other friends, but his jealousy is no longer as sharp as Spinel’s since he was trying to jog Xion’s memory by using Axel and Roxas’ names on purpose. The other one is “Home,” but that could be used for Kingdom Hearts or Fruits Basket, which I will be working on later after season 2 is out.

Unfortunately, I’m going to be really busy this month due to adulting (the worst of which is going to be jury selection, which always feels like I’m the one on trial/going to jail). Work is awful, as I’m being punished for my coworkers’ shortcomings (i.e. not trying or coming in at all). I’m drowning in medical bills because I don’t understand my deductible, so universal health care can’t come soon enough. I’ve been trying to get caught up on everything that I watch, but it’s been very difficult. Trying to clear the backlog of shows has become a chore, and I can’t get as much enjoyment out of much of it. That goes double for Kingdom Hearts Re:Mind; it did not deliver on its promises (at least, not in a complete and meaningful way) and was mostly repetitive. The limit cut episode was way too short - a year later in real life and in the game and still no one knows what the fuck is going on. Maybe we’ll get closure someday when they start the new saga, but I doubt it. It turns out Demyx wasn’t done only meant that he had to deliver the second replica to Radiant Garden; he’s still a big mystery that the Organization didn’t even want in the first place – he didn’t even get a silhouette in their plans. The scenes we did get could’ve and should’ve been fleshed out a lot more, and I suspect the novels aren’t going to do that either.

The actor who replaced Leonard Nimoy died and was replaced by Christopher Lloyd, so that was distracting. I’m also disappointed that Mae Whitman replaced Christy Carlson Romano as Yuffie, as brief as it was. I don’t think Yuffie was in Disc 1 of Final Fantasy VII, so she’s not going to be in the remake, either. Additionally, it looks like volume 2 of KH3 will be released July 21 according to Amazon, though the publisher listed Re:Coded in its place on its website by mistake.

I also recently watched all the DLC supports for Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Yuri being Bernadetta’s friend is great and all, but don’t make her father look like a decent person. He still kept her tied up, and him being put under house arrest was supposed to be karmic justice. Yuri and either Ingrid or Dorothea were cuter supports. I hope Claude’s voice actor plays the DLC soon. I want to see his reaction to Claude and Balthus’ support, assuming he doesn’t remember anything from recording it. Seriously, ew! Someone needs to give Constance a parasol; she’s not as bad as Dimitri post-time skip, but still. Those two even look similar. I like Hapi, but for some reason I want to call her Hopi.

Power Rangers Beast Morphers is not fooling anyone. Why bother obscuring the fact that Devon’s dad is possessed by Evox when it’s already blindingly obvious to the viewers? At first, I didn’t know what had happened to him at the end of last season, but from the first episode of this season, it was clear that he got Metagog’d. The actors playing Blaze and Roxy have to do double duty as the normal, nice humans and the evil android avatar versions of them.

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