Monday, April 5, 2021

Brief News Updates

The end of Volume 8 is kind of a mess. Jaune and Team RWBY, along with Neo and countless civilians, have fallen through the world and landed on some sort of island with Yggdrasil in the background. Cinder is just as evil as ever, having kicked Neo off the edge and trapped Watts in an inferno. Now it’s just her and Salem in addition to Mercury and Tyrian in Vacuo. Let’s see if Ruby and company can escape this Underland and return to Remnant, though probably not the same as they were if the fable Oscar and Ozpin were talking about holds any weight. Spoiler warning: Vine and Penny’s deaths hit hard.

A new Hetalia series just premiered in Japan called World Stars. When it gets dubbed, Greece will need a new voice actor, and Taliesin will have to come back as England. Disney posted the first Duckburg podcast on Youtube, and I liked the part with Donald reading the credits: “Sam Riegel, again?" I'm still five episodes behind on Critical Role, so I will be using my vacation week to get caught up on everything.

I'm not enjoying Dino Fury so far. Certain characters are annoying at least half of the time, and other characters seem wooden or hollow. It's not necessarily their fault either if they're not given anything to do in a scene other than stand around while others talk. Mucus is probably the best character.

Finally got my hands on Friendly’s Cherry Pie ice cream. Best decision I’ve made all week.

I've hit 200 subscribers, and Journeyman Abridged has, too. Big things are coming. I just won't be able to put in much work in earnest until we move because my current living conditions have become too noisy.

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