Monday, May 3, 2021

I Need More Content

In part one of the Union Cross update, things are starting to move. Skuld, Ephemer, and Player stay behind with one ark in reserve while Brain, Ven, Lauriam, and Elrena go on ahead. The true Dandelion is data Strelitzia, apparently. There are six willful darknesses, which I think shows restraint on Nomura's part as it easily could've been seven. Brain gives Ephemer the Master Defender and the Book of Prophecy, saying he has a plan to come back and save them. I guess we'll see how that pans out if this ends with a flash forward to each of their fates. Anything to connect the dots between the main game and the mobile games. 

The third episode of Duckburg podcast was about ad-reads, and fittingly, Sam did the first one for Funzo's Fun Zone. Just a normal Thursday night for Sam. In episode 4, Donald says he loves Sam. He says his name with the same amount of gusto that he uses when he says David Tennant’s name. Sam features heavily in episode 6, primarily as Launchpad’s new friend Sal.

The acting in Dino Fury is still all over the place. Warden Garcia (Izzy and Javi's dad) is messed-up. In the beginning, he was just an obstacle to getting to the base, but then he got worse. It was one thing for Ravi's mom not to value his hobby, but Garcia took away Javi’s keytar (which went viral), and he fosters an especially competitive attitude in Izzy and their cousin. Void Knight is just Dr. Fries. His wife looks just like Nora, too.

Solitaire is supposed to come standard on computers, right? I got suspicious when achievements started popping on mine. Then the free trial ended and now I have to mute it when it plays ads every other round. It's so annoying. I'll take the boost in my gamer score. I don't play much else.

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