Saturday, May 15, 2021

Relationship Goals?

If only Akito had her spider-sense (God-sense) for important things and not just when their bonds break. Momiji’s episode was very jarring and sad, but he’s the strongest one for how he handled Akito, and he’s younger than her. It’s frustrating that the last season is only thirteen episodes, but the way that episodes 5 and 6 were paced, they’re moving some stuff up and condensing some other stuff. They haven’t shown Katsuya’s face in his picture, which leads me to believe that we won’t get Kyoko’s backstory at all. It was probably cut for time. That’s probably the most frustrating thing. I want people to know that Kyoko walked out on Tohru and was going to kill herself to be with Katsuya, and that she thought better of it and went home and apologized to Tohru for leaving. I don’t like Kyoko in that moment, I don’t like Kagura when she slaps Tohru, and I don’t like Kakeru for reasons we’ll get to, or maybe we won’t.

I saw Thought Bubble's video on love languages in Kingdom Hearts, and that made me think back to the character blurb stating that Even cares for Ienzo and my problem with him never really showing that. While verbal and physical aren't his thing, maybe acts of service would be, at least when they aren't serving his own ego. When this happens, he usually does so anonymously, like when he sends Dusks to aid the Twilight Trio. He probably thought he was keeping Ienzo safe by barring him from leaving the castle after the events of Birth By Sleep (I'm assuming, since we only see him outside when he's training Roxas in Days). Ienzo is an adult now, but he's still only ever seen indoors. When faced with writing how to ship Even with Ansem the Wise, I find it hard to reconcile their love languages. Ansem's is physical, which Even seems uncomfortable with. Even is devoted to Ansem (when not blinding himself with science), but that can easily be played off as a master-pupil relationship. Their opposite approaches to parenting Ienzo is cute and I am here for it. Ansem's response to Ienzo having been in danger was to probably hug him and take him out for ice cream, while Even put him in the corner (Ienzo visibly sighs before turning to follow him afterward - it’s already tense between them).

Unruly Rollers was a mess of a campaign, but at least you could make a drinking game around it. Take a shot every time Matt says “I’m ten" or every time they kill someone who was helping them. But not every time they roll ones because then you would die. At least Matt and Lindsay made it safely to their parents’ van. And since Matt had to keep reminding everyone he’s ten, I don’t remember what was said every time, but I just had to make a meme of a picture of Ienzo from Birth By Sleep: “Whose loose baby is this?!" “I’m ten."

Sprinkle has been “Artagan All Along.” They didn’t sing or reference that song, but it’s fitting.

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