Friday, June 11, 2021

Penultimate Entries

I have not yet watched the Sailor Moon Eternal movies, but I'm going to. I also need to find a day to sit down with my husband and watch the seven-hour Critical Role Campaign 2 Finale. That being said...

I liked the fight in 139 where they’re all shouting things at Lucien trying to awaken Molly with the power of friendship. It was very anime, and Matt says this is his love letter to Final Fantasy, as there is a second final boss form to Lucien. I can’t wait for Jester to tell Molly that she found her dad just like he said she would. She and Caleb [almost] died in that fight, and Caduceus came in clutch after almost dying himself.

Episode 10 is probably the best episode of Fruits Basket the Final so far. Haru just casually ordering a pizza while the Kyo/Yuki fight was going on was hilarious. The old maid was a lot more sympathetic. I thought I remember her just being coldly disappointed in Akito for how she’d changed in the manga, but here she laments not being able to change herself. She too doesn’t know any other way to live after spending her whole life in service to the Somas. I wonder which maids are responsible for giving Shiki the note that says "Your mother is human garbage." Probably not her.

After giving it some thought, I officially shipped my insert character with Isa. I tried it with both Lea and Isa, and I've come to the conclusion that Sayuri x Isa was best for both of them. I've been trying to get her look down, but I always seem to default to service industry colors (white shirt, black skirt). The original idea was that Namine is blond with blue eyes, so Sayuri would have brown hair and brown eyes. The difference between her and Tifa is that she sucks at fighting. What I was really going for was Rin wearing Tohru's clothes from the summer vacation arc of Fruits Basket. Thus, Sayuri's relationship with Isa emulates Haru x Rin, at least esthetically. Fundamentally, they're a little bit Kyoru as well, with Saix's berserk mode being compared to the monster cat or black Haru.

For some reason I want to draw fan art of Vaggie drinking an Oreo milkshake. On the video front, the Fruits Basket one is finally finished, and depending on the last three episodes, I might make one more. I made a seven deadly sins-related stinger, and I'm trying to figure out what video I could make to attach it to. Or I could just throw it in the stinger compilation video like I did with the Patti Lupone clip.

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