Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Yet Another Top 10 Random Encounters

They've done another poll, so that means it's high time I did another one of these too. Honorable mention goes to Emergency Meeting: An Among Us Song, specifically for the bonus challenge video. I did think the ending was a bit corny. Another Honorable mention goes to Phasmophobia the Musical, featuring NateWantsToBattle, for the spooky atmosphere.

10. Minesweeper the Musical - I thought this was catchy and it made me nostalgic for playing it as a kid (and not really knowing how to play it, so this actually helped)

9. Amiibo the Musical - Another catchy tune illustrating AJ's amiibo obsession. An alternate ending truncates the song with murder and a terrified Miss Bird running screaming from the house.

8. Friday Night Funkin' the Musical - An interesting entry. I chose this one more for the colorful costumes, acting, and set.

7. Ice Scream Man‭ [‬An Ice Scream‭ ‬Song‭] - I think the first was better than the second, an introduction to the game’s lore as kids tell a story around a campfire. It’s a bop.

6. A Proper End: A Stanley Parable Song - It was fun to watch AJ flailing around and trying to push buttons. He's replaced by their cat in the end.

5. Luigi's Mansion the Musical - The roles of Luigi and the professor were acted well, and the humor in it was great. “It’s not right.”

4. God of War the Musical - AJ and Nate as Kratos from the original and new installments of God of War. It’s hilarious.

3. Cooking Mama the Musical - Very catchy and funny. “Mama quits."

2. Goose on Holiday:‭ ‬An Untitled Goose Game Song - I love everything about this video. It's catchy, funny, well-acted, and the costume Gwen made is amazing.

1. Spooky‭’‬s Jump Scare Musical - This song was well-written and well-executed, and it did a good job of endearing Spooky to the audience (or at least me). “I did it to SCARE YOU!" 

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