Friday, August 27, 2021


I didn’t know that the Organization members in 358/2 Days came with 22 weapon variants and two joke weapons, one of which “reveals their true nature.” Vexen’s snowman shield and Saix’s rabbit claymore are cute, but the descriptions are negative (Vexen being cold-hearted and Saix being ambitious). I think it means the two of them have a soft side, as we saw in KH3. Xigbar’s trumpet is still a mystery. It says he likes to toot his own horn, but is the Master of Masters’s herald or something? Marluxia’s looks like the flowers he’s holding in the Union X art, which represents his sister. Strelitzia’s name doesn’t appear on any of his weapons, but that had to have been in the works pretty early on. It’s fun to think everyone has a weapons locker somewhere that they pull from, and Zexion has a bookshelf. The wiki guide made writing any fight scenes I write for him a lot easier. The weapons that Dilan and Aeleus have in Birth By Sleep don’t resemble any of the ones in Days, though. Braig’s weapons match the basic ones (that don’t use a gear). The fan art I’ve seen of Even’s shield doesn’t match any of Vexen’s arsenal either but does fit the aesthetic of Dilan and Aeleus’s. I found some good fan art recently, including a few fan comics. One of them is Aeleus asking if Ienzo is okay, and he says he’s fine because there are more important things to worry about as they greet Riku and Mickey. Another one is Even returning and Ienzo asking him for an explanation for his whereabouts. Even remembers when little Ienzo asked about Master Ansem’s disappearance. Ienzo says they were all supposed to stick together and makes him promise not to leave again. In another, Even tells Ansem that he’d hoped Ienzo would take after him, but instead he’s like Even. He thinks he’s cursed and projected all his problems onto the kid. Someone also drew a picture of Zexion working on his laptop with a sandwich hanging out of his mouth as a nod to his joke weapons.

The other night, I had a dream that Matt was wearing a unicorn hoodie and was telling his union of Keyblade wielders that he’d take them out for lunch if they beat Travis’s union. Travis, of course, was wearing a Trinket hoodie.

The Moxxie/Millie video is live. I have to comb through my content and make some playlists, the first being Christmas obviously.

I got it wrong. I forget who J. Michael Tatum has voiced in regards to Laura Bailey. I’m getting old.

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